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In Robb's camp Jaime was back in his cell. It was a freezing cold day. He was missing the fire pit and the walls of the tent he'd been allowed to stay in whilst he was sick. Missed the care and attention that was shown to him. His hands were beginning to become numb again, chained tightly behind him as they were. The closest fire from his cage he could see was at least ten metres away. There were rumours that they were to move camp again soon. He hoped that they stayed as that. Rumours.
He couldn't be bothered with trekking through wind and rain and mud again. His guards shoving him to the ground and tripping him up. The wrist chains attached to the ankle chains, severely limiting his movement.  Being jostled between four men as his cage was built. Then being put in there and left alone. Being able to sit down was the best part. He was too cold and too tired to go through it all again.
Seeing Tyrion had made Jaime even more desperate to get back home. To normal life. The Kingsguard, Cersei and golden armour. Hells, now he even missed the armour. He never thought he would be saying that. Just as he was coming out of his own thoughts, Kyra walked past his cell. He was brought back to reality.
"Kyra!" He called out. He didn't know why he was so infatuated with her. She was the closest thing he had to a friend here. She was the only person who'd talk to him, not to insult and attempt to humiliate him, but because she was genuinely interested. She was from the outside anyway. "Kyra, please, just listen to me." She came over to the gate. She stood there, arms folded. She still didn't exactly know what to feel about him.
"Yes Jaime?" She said.
"Come in. Please." She sighed.
"Jaime, I..."
"I'll behave. I'm chained up. I can't touch you. Please." She shook her head. Jaime's pleas hadn't worked. But then...
"Let me in and leave us be. I'll be OK." The guard nodded. Jaime sighed in relief. Kyra was let in. She stood by the door, slightly apprehensive. Jaime beckoned her over by a jerk of the head. She knelt in front of him, but still a couple of feet away. She didn't want to get too close.
"Kyra, I'm sorry. Just hear me out. I need out Kyra. You don't even need to come with me. Just get me out of the camp and resume your normal duties."
"Jaime stop. Just stop. I can't do it. I've told you enough times. I get you want to go home. You will soon. I heard there's not long to wait until the exchange."
"But who knows what condition I'll be in before then. I've had enough."
"Robb won't let you die. I won't let you die. I promise you Jaime. You'll get through this alive. You'll get back your brother and sister and father. But I can't help. Sorry. I need to go now. I need to work." She started to walk out and once she was clear of the gate, turned her back and walked away.
"Kyra!" Kyra ran off but Jaime's cries alerted the guards. They came in and kicked him in the leg.
"Shut it Kingslayer," one of them snapped.
"Fuck off," Jaime said in response. Mistake. But he didn't care.
"What did you say Lannister?"
"Are you deaf? I. Said. Fuck. Off." The four guards that were there burst in and soon Jaime felt excruciating pain as he was kicked and punched and hit from all angles, over and over and over.

Walking through camp, Robb heard a commotion. It was coming from the Kingslayer's cell. He got Grey Wind and they made their way over. There were curses and shouts. Had he somehow managed to get free of his chains? Had someone tried to help him escape? A guard? Kyra? No she wouldn't. Would she?
But as Robb got closer he got a clearer picture. He saw an unchained Jaime being pummelled into the dirt. He was lying on the ground. As Robb got there, he could see the mud and blood mixing on his body. Jaime's screams had stopped. The man wasn't moving. No. This couldn't be happening. He couldn't be dead. Not after everything.
"What in the seven hells is going on? Get away from him!" Robb yelled, running towards Jaime frantically. When the guards had backed away, Robb knelt beside the prisoner. He felt for a pulse. There was one. Not a strong one but it was there. He breathed heavily. But if his guards had defied him enough to do this, he knew only one thing to be true.
Jaime Lannister is becoming too much trouble. Once he's gone and I get Sansa back it will be better.
Robb needed to make the exchange as soon as possible. He turned to his guards. Furious.
"Now someone tell me what has happened in here."
"The medic was in and suddenly Lannister was calling after her and shouting loudly. I told him to shut up and he told me to fuck off. Twice."
"That was it."
"You beat him up for saying that to you? He's said it to many other people and they've been able to ignore it. I've said it to you and you've been able to ignore it. Lannister will be gone soon. You will not. I can punish you."
"Who cares about Lannister anyway?" Robb was incredulous. He turned to the man and gripped him tightly by the front of his uniform.
"Jaime Lannister is the only way I get my sisters back. His life is of very much importance. And, if he is returned to Kings Landing dead or dying, Tywin will never stop attacking us. I will die. You will die. Your family will die. Do you want that to happen?"
"No. So don't challenge me again. Until he's out my camp, the Kingslayer is the most important person here."

Robb strode away and into his own tent. It was time to write the letter with the deal. The piece had to be moved on the board.

Tyrion Lannister
In three days' time we will meet at the inn at the crossroads at midday. We will have Jaime Lannister. You will have Sansa and one hundred and fifty of our soldiers. It will be a simple swap and after we leave each other alone.
Robb Stark

He'd decided to ask for double the amount of soldiers. He wanted to see how Tywin rose to it. He could be cunning too. He attached it to a raven and sent it on its way.

In Kings Landing the raven had arrived. The message was brought to Tyrion and he brought it in front of Cersei and his father.
"Three days time, the inn at the crossroads at midday. He's now asking for one hundred and fifty soldiers."
"Stupid boy. Give him them. Like you said, we have more than he thinks we have. We can't risk Jaime's life. Tyrion. You will take an escort of forty guards with Sansa. We still need leverageZ Tell Stark his soldiers will be released the morning after. Only if we get Jaime." Tyrion nodded. He went off to prepare.

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