A Day Together

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As Antonio ranged the doorbell I came downstairs and opened it to see him with Blue Bonnets that reminded me of Texas."Hola Chica!"He said."Hola Antonio!"I said as I stepped outside."Ok!Trust me on how cliche this is!But put this on!"He told me as he handed me a Blindfold.

"Touché Toni"I said putting on the blindfold crossing my arms. I honestly think it made me more curious on where we're going!I sighed in my head?(If that's even a thing)This is going to be a Long Day


"Are we there yet?"I asked thinking he led me to a plane."Almost Chica!Just a few more steps...There!"He said taking off the blind folds revealing his Tomato Garden."Woah!"I said as my eyes lit up with excitement.(So lit!XD IM SORRY NOT SORRY XD)

"I promised you didn't I?"He said."Follow me!"He said leading me to a picnic table.He took out a picnic basket and handed me a Tomato Sandwich."Gracias!You didn't have to do all this for me!"I said."But I did!"He said biting his sandwich.


Spain felt something he hadn't felt in a long time.Love.Yes he has flirted with other girls.But they were other girls.When Romano left he felt lonely living all alone.With (Y/n) he could talk for hours.With another girl he would always need to start a new conversation.


"That looks like a Bunny!"I said holding my hand pointing to the cloud."That one looks like a couple holding hands!"Antonio said moving our hands."I always wonder if they ever have problems?Or if the person cheats?Or they only act like it in public."I said."Me too.If I dated a girl,I would love her with all my might!For the rest of my days!"He said.

"She must be a lucky girl!"I chuckled.


Toni and I spent the rest of the time looking at the view.Talking.We were at the park.Om the park bench.We heard a mid age woman."Aw!Young Love!So adorable!"She said.I looked at Spain.He looked back.Both holding in our laughter.Then all of a sudden a kid put his Ice Cream on his head screaming 'I'm a Unicorn!'(Probably Author~Chan XD)

We started laughing so hard people were starring at us.We soon left so we wouldn't get noticed anymore.

"Why there's so many children in Mexican Families!"I said."Oh my gosh!Did you see the people looking at us!Are we the only ones with a sense of humor!"Spain said."I don't know probably!"I said.

It was a night sky now.We were downtown.Then we heard Music,Laughter,and food.We looked and saw a festival."May I have this dance,M'lady!"Spain said bowing."You may!"I said taking his hand.The. All of a sudden the Salsa came on.(Im pretty sure it's a Mexican dance,Idk anyways!Bare with me!)

He twirled me around.Dipped me.We did all the moves.It turned so intense everyone was watching.When it was the final dip.Antonio had a rose,he was biting it.Then he gave me the rose."Gracias!"I said taking the rose.


When Spain and I got to my house I stopped at the doorstep and said."Thanks" "Your welcome Chica!I hope you had a wonderful time!"He said about to leave."Wait"I said tugging on his hand."Here."I said as we were leaning in.

"Ahem!(Y/n)!You've got a letter!"Jose said.(Jose the Cockblocker XD)"Oh Bye!"Antonio said pecking me on the cheek leaving."What is it?"I asked.

"It's from your Twin Brother,South Mexico"He said.(PLOT TWIST!!!!YOUR NOT MEXICO!!!YUR SOUTH MEXICO!!!!!!!!!)"Brother!?"I said.I looked at the note.

Dear North Mexico,

Yes,you are my younger sister by a few 10 years which are like minutes to us,I have wrote you a letter to let you know my boss and yours have decided for us to live together,I will Me coming on the 4th

Sincerely,Your Brother
South Mexico

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