If this were in Nyotalia

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Yeah Male Mexico!Right there!Also this chapter is supposed to be a fun chapter that has nothing to do with the plot!Also the Nyotalia Character are them Gender bent!


Estonia woke up."Hey!WERE YOU LISTENING TO MY SPEECH!!!?!?!"America said."H-Huh!?AMERICA!!???!"Estonia Screamed."NOW IM GONNA HIT YOU WITH MY BAT!!!!!"She screamed."NONSENSE BIG SISTER!"Mexico Screamed."LET ME HIT HIM WITH MY SANDAL!!!!"(Btw Sandal is a type of gun)He screamed."M-MEXICO?!?!YOUR A DUDE?!?!!!"He screamed.

"Oh you gits!No wonder you two are siblings!"Alice Kirkland said."ENGLAND!!?!?!!"Estonia screamed."Ah!Stop scary Estonia Girls!Hey Estonia!You can come to my house and we can eat Pppppaaaaaaaasssssssstttttttttaaaaaa!!!"A voice said.Estonia turned only to see a Female Italy."I-ITALY?!!?!"Estonia screamed more.

Somebody sighed."Tck!Tck!Girls!Im glad I'm not one!"Hungary said."I know right!Me too!"Mexico Said."Me 3!"Seychelles said."Make that Me 4 and 5"Ukraine said next to her was Belarus."Me 6!"Liechtenstein said."H-HUNGARY?!?!!MEXICO!!?!?!UKRAINE!!!!??!!BELARUS?!?!!!!SEYCHELLES?!?!LIECHTENSTEIN?!?!?!"Estonia screamed.

"(M/Y/n)!!!!!!"Isabel jumped on Mexico."SPAIN!!!!GET OFF!!!!"He screamed."SPAIN?!?!"Guess who screamed?Yup!Estonia!You should be a detective!"G-Guys can we all calm down?"Madeline said quietly,surprisingly Estonia noticed."C-CANADA?!?!"Estonia almost fainted.She looked so adorable.(Its cannon Support Nyo!Canada X Estonia XD LMAO Jk)

"Awwww!So adorable!Mexico and Spain!"Hungary teased."S-Shut up!You know what's cuter?Hungary and Austria!"Mexico said blushing beet root red.Then he made Hungary did the same."Awww!What about Mexico and Hungary!You two try to compete but you two are both still best friends!"Ukraine said.

"C-can you guys please stop fighting!Lithuania and I are getting annoyed!"Latvia said."Yeah!"Lithuania said back."L-LATVIA?!?!LITHUANIA!!?!?!"Estonia screamed as he fell off the chair."Awww!You girls!Please stop!Their just being Guys!"Russia said."RUSSIA?!?!?!"Estonia then was about to faint when.

"Do you wanna buy some candy Estonia?It would Me me really happy!Aru!"China said."CHINA?!?!!" "China please stop!Of course he would wanna buy some Manga!"Japan said."JAPAN?!?!?!"

Yep!This is going to be the end of Estonia."EVERYBODY SHUT UP NOW OR ELSE!!!!!!"Germany screamed.Yup!Estonia finally fainted.

In Estonia's a Dream Thingy

"H-Huh what happened?!"Estonia said."I made your fantasies come true!Geez!Their weird!"A God Like man said."WHAT?!?!I WANT REAL GIRLS?!?!NOT THEM?!!!"Estonia said "Ok!"He replied


"ESTONIA?!?!WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!?!"Alfred F Jones said.Estonia sighed."What a crazy dream."He thought.Then he realized now everybody was female.


"Ok finally!"He sighed."What happened Estonia?"Mexico asked as Estonia explained the whole thing."I'm pretty sure I'd be hotter than (Y/n) if I was a girl!"Spain said."Yeah right!Nobody can out hot Me!"She said."Y-yeah true!"He said hugging her by the waist about to make a big move when."EVERYBODY BACK TO THEIR SEATS!!!!"Germany screamed.

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