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Dan stepped towards me. He put his hand on the side of my face and caressed it . He walked towards the napkin dispenser . He grabbed three , and ran them under the sink. He came close again. He put the napkins on my face , and wiped the blood away. He was concentrating hard. When he concentrates he curls both lips in, and his mouth forms a straight line. The whole time I was just looking at his eyes. They were truly beautiful. Phil stop it! He's not gay. Your probably creeping him out. Stop it! Your going to lose him then you will truly have no one. You fat faggot! My mind was once again right.

Dan finished wiping my face. He threw the paper towels away and slowly came back to me. He stood in front of me, he looked slightly embarrassed.
"Phil, this might be weird, but I'm going to have to take your shirt off to clean what ever is causing the blood stain." He said very quietly.
I nodded my head. Great Phil, now he's going to see how fat your are. He stepped forward and put his hands at the bottom of my shirt. He slowly lifted my shirt up. Once he got my black crew neck off he gently took it over to the sink.
He began washing the small blood stain out. But I guess I got kicked harder then I thought, because the "small blood stain" ended up being a huge blood stain. The shirt was black so you just couldn't see.

He came over to me and a pink dust covered his cheeks.
"I'm going to have to take your actual shirt off now." He said shyly. I felt my cheeks heat up. I signed .
" Go ahead." He nodded.
He slipped the black and white stripped shirt over my head. Once he got it off , he stared at my bare chest. His cheeks were now the color of a tomato.
"-uh." He stammered.
"I should probably clean this now." He laughed and went back over to the sink.

Why does he care so much. Why does it matter to him if I'm hurt or not. Is this what friends do? Do they care for each other. I thought friends were just someone you laughed with.
Dan came back with a wet paper towel and began cleaning my wound. I flinched. It stung so very badly.
"I know, I'm sorry it hurts so bad, but I have to clean it."

Finally my wound was cleaned. Dan looked at me. I remember I was still shirtless. Dan came over to me and put his hand in my left cheek. I blushed right when he touched it. He quickly leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

Kisses on the cheek are sweet. I remember my ex boyfriend never gave me any. Only kisses on the lips. I didn't always appreciate it. So I smiled when dan pulled away.

"Here, come with me to my locker. I have an extra shirt in there just in case of emergency ." He smiled sweetly and lead me to his locker.

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