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I go to the worst high school in the world. I'm literally not exaggerating. When you first approach the brick building, you find that there is graffiti completely littering the front wall.
But the principal here doesn't care about anything. He doesn't care if students get beat up. He doesn't care if there's vandalism. He just playing out doesn't care, about anything.
The only reason he is the principle, is because he takes the lowest pay there is to offer. So inspectors don't care either. Today is like any other day. Get up. Get dressed. Eat. Comb my hair. Brush my teeth. Walk to school. I fell alsleep late last night, because I couldn't sleep. Oh yes I forgot to mention my other lovely condition; insomnia. I only got to close my eyes for an hour, but I still wasn't asleep, I just got some rest. If you would even call it rest. I got up from my, now cold, bed and started my dull grey day. Sunlight was peeking through my blinds. It was so bright I'm pretty sure my pupils disappeared . So i did what any normal human being would do, I closed them right up.
I bent over and picked up a black shirt with the words 'muse' plastered over the front. I fell asleep in my black jeans, so me being the lazy ass I am, I just kept them on. I spilled slowly down the hallway, heading towards the bathroom to get a look at my hair. In the process of it; I found and ugly beast. Me. My nose is weird, my eyes are a repulsive shade of blue. My black hair is so dark it makes me look paler. Ew. Why do I have to be like this. Sometimes I'm happy my mom has gone. She wouldn't be proud to see me. Her son that, has depression, insomnia, is down right ugly, and an introvert, so I don't have any friends. The only thing remotely good about me, is that I have good grades. I have all A's in every class.
All the teachers love me, but that dosent stop the bullying. Only makes it worse really.
I finally head out of my house. It isn't much. It has 1 room, 1 bath, a living room, kitchen, garage, dining room, and an attic. You don't really need much when your mom died 5 years ago, and your dad left when you were 3.  But it's all I've got, and I'm proud to call it home.

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