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"What?" Dan asked , concern filling his voice.
"I don't eat. I have bulimia." I signed. There was a pause.
"Phil, is that why you didn't eat your food in the cafeteria?" His fingers were rubbing my chin.
"Yes." He looked me in the eyes.
"Why do you do it?". I sighed. Get ready to pour your heart out to him.
"I'm ugly. I'm stupid. I'm a loser. I have no friends. I'm fat. I just thought maybe, because there is so much wrong with me, that maybe I could be skinny and things would start to get better. But they haven't , because no matter how hard I try, I'm still fat." His eyes softened. "Phil, I don't know how you think that." He took his hands and put them in either side of my face.
"You are not ugly,your adorable." A pink blush spread through my cheeks.
"Your not a loser, your actually pretty cool." He pulled me a little closer.
"Your not fat, not even close. There is nothing wrong with you, but no ones perfect." And he pulled me so close that our noses were touching.
"And, I'm your friend Phil. I won't ever leave you." He looked at my lips for a second, then realized what he was doing. So he pulled me in for a hug. And for some reason, when he called me a friend. Part of me wished I was more.

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