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Jughead teaches you how to write. It's never been an aspiration of yours but he decided that you should know how to anyways. Low and behold, you actually enjoyed it. Now, when he's in one of his writing trances, you usually are too.

Archie teaches you how to play the guitar. You saw him playing one day and asked if he could teach you how. Of course he agreed to. You're not that good, but now you know the notes at least.

Betty teaches you the cheers. You had just joined the Riverdale Vixens and needed to catch up on some of the things. Obviously, the best person for the job was Betty.

Veronica teaches you how to dance. Not like slow, romantic songs. More like upbeat, bump, and grind. Let's just say that during those lessons, you did a lot of bumping and grinding.

Kevin teaches you how to use sarcasm. He helps you be able to come up with quick comebacks for homophobic remarks. He basically taught you how to be him. Even though you now know the art of sarcasm, you're not that good at remembering to use it.

Cheryl teaches you how to dress and act like you're the baddest bitch in the building. Well, maybe second baddest. I mean, you're up against Cheryl for gods sake!

Reggie teaches you how to play football. He spent a lot of time teaching you how to play the game. The two things he loves most, his girl, and football. You learned how to play and found out that you would actually be a pretty good quarterback.
____________________________________Was this good? I actually had fun writing this one.

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