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Your dad is a member of the south side serpents, a very important member at that. He has a way of getting drugs for very small prices. Your dad had a meeting with Jughead's dad and thought it'd be safer for you to come with him. You, very reluctantly, agree. When you arrive at his house you see a kid walk out looking angry. You break away from your dad, him not noticing, and follow the kid.


You yell to get his attention. He turns around obviously not knowing that I was following him.

"Who are you?"

He asks in a confused voice.

"I'm Y/N, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why do you care?"

"I don't care, I was just interested."

You reply in an unconvincing voice.

"Of course."

He says. As he turns to walk away, you speed up to walk near him.

"What's your name?"


"Ooh. I like it."

He looks at you surprised. You guys continued to walk together until you got a call from your dad and had to go to your house. You went your separate ways, but not for long, because guess who you saw the very next day at school?
(I/Y/P = Instrument you play/would like to play.)
You are a friend of the pussycats. Josie likes you because you are honest and are not afraid to tell her when something sounds off or the lyrics don't go together. Melody likes you because you have an appreciation for drums and beats that most people don't. Valerie likes you because you always see sense and help her with songwriting. You've seen Archie around school, and have had brief conversations before, but not memorable ones. Josie had invited Archie to observe their practice session as a favor to Cheryl. You were a bit nervous because Archie is really attractive and you are really boy crazy these days. You are walking with Josie to where Valerie and Melody are. You accidentally drop your notebook that has your notes for your songs in it and have to gather the papers that fell out. You tell Josie to keep going and she does. You hear her open the door and can hear muffled voices. About 2 minutes later you walk in and look at Archie.


Melody yells as you walk in. That brings Archie's eyes to you. You smile at them and yell,


In a mocking voice. That brings laughter from the group of people in the room.

"Archie! Long time no speak."

You say to him and he seems shocked by your tone of familiarity. It's been awhile since you've spoken to each other, but as long as you've talked to someone at least once, you never again treat them like a stranger.

"Yeah. Long time no speak."

Archie replies. You go over to I/Y/P.

"You wanna hear what a good musician sounds like?"

You say to Archie with a wink. He just chuckles and nods his head. With his smile in your mind, you play a song that you've mastered, and watch the reactions of the people around you. Specifically, Archie's.
You were a close friend to the Blossom twins. Jason's death really broke your heart and you needed to be with Cheryl a lot. So, when Cheryl didn't show up for school one day, you were not doing so good. You already felt sick so it didn't help that you were about to have an emotional breakdown. You were moving in your seat a bit and getting really anxious to leave. You saw Betty and her posse giving you questioning looks. You've never talked to Betty before and you never planned on it. The only reason you know who she is, is because Cheryl used to rant about her sister, Polly a lot. The bell rang and you jumped out of you seat. You rushed down the hallway, trying not to move to fast as to not trip and fall on your face. What you didn't see, was Betty, following you. You quickly walked into the bathroom. Trying to calm down. This is stupid. Even Cheryl is better at concealing her depression after losing her brother. This is pathetic. 'Your pathetic' you say to yourself in the mirror.

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