Hayes Grier---Can't Help It If I'm A Kid At Heart

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Imagine going grocery shopping with your boyfriend.

You and your boyfriend, Hayes Grier, are currently walking around Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries that your mom asked you two to get.

"Okay we need to get milk," you say. You start pushing the cart towards the dairy isle.

Hayes is slowly trailing behind you. He hadn't stopped looking and touching every little thing since you two arrived at the store.

You come to a stop at a large refrigerator that contained different brands of milk. "Let's see my mom normally gets one that has a yellow bottle," you tap your foot against the tiled floor as you scan the shelf, "ah there it is." You grab the jug of milk, and put it into the cart.

Turning around you see Hayes walking towards you in a zombie fashion. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was not enjoying your scavenger hunt to find everything you two needed in this big store.

A small laugh escapes your lips causing Hayes' head to snap in your direction. His eyes immediately finding yours.

He had always said that you had one of the most beautiful laughs he had ever heard even though you didn't believe him.

Hayes smiles at you then starts to walk over to you again, but this time he was walking normally. When he reaches you he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to his chest. "My baby girl," he says. A content sigh escaping his lips. He kisses the top of your head then releases you from his grasp.

"Okay now we need to get bread," you say. Hayes let's out a playful groan. "It wasn't me that waited until the last second to get the groceries. That was you," you say lightly poking his chest.

You two start to walk towards the isle with all of the fresh bread. "Now what kind do you think my mom wants? Sourdough? White? Wheat?" You ask Hayes.

When he doesn't answer you look to your left where he had been standing moments before to find an empty spot next to you. You quickly search all around you, and find Hayes standing at a table eating a sample of some sort of food. You roll your eyes. "This boy and his food," you mumble under your breath.

You finally decided on a type of bread then head over to Hayes getting ready to pull him away from the table. "Come on Hayes," you say grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the isle that was stocked with steaks. He quickly tries to take as many samples as he can hold in his free hand.

Finally you two make it to the isle that carried steaks. "What kind of steaks are the best Hayes?" you ask, but once again there is no reply. You look around the isle for Hayes to find him looking at the isle across you that contained nothing, but candy.

You walk over to Hayes where he is currently holding two different bags of candy. "Oh there you are Y/N. I thought I lost you," he says casually. "You thought you lost me your the one who keeps disapp- you know what just hold my hand and come with me," you say extending your hand to him. "Well hold on a second do we want chocolate or what ever kind of chewy candy this is?" he asks. "If I say you can get both do you promise to hold my hand and not let go until we get into the car?" you ask. Hayes narrows his eyes at you trying to decide if you were messing with him or not. A couple of excruciating long seconds later that consisted of him examining your serious face he breaks into a big grin. "Deal," he says. "Thank god," you mumble.

You take his hand in yours, holding on to it extra tightly, and bring him back to the steak isle. "So which brand has the best steak?" you ask. "That's easy it's this one," Hayes says grabbing a brand that you had never heard of before. You quickly debate with yourself if you should make a comment about that, but decided against it because you were quite frankly exhausted from chasing Hayes around for the past forty five minutes. 

You take one last look at your list mentality checking everything off. "Okay we got everything," you say. Still holding Hayes' hand, and pushing the cart, you both walk towards  check out.

Going to one where you can do it yourself you start scanning items. "Oh oh let me. I love doing this," Hayes say. You gladly accept, and stand next to him as he starts to bag the items.

When Hayes is done you each grab a few bags then make your way to his car. He unlocks it, and you two put the bags into the trunk. You close the trunk then walk over to the passenger side of the car, and get in. Hayes joins you, and starts the car.

"Do you realize how tiring you are in a grocery store? It's like keep up with a three year old," you ask as he pulls out of the parking spot. "I can't help it if I am a kid at heart," Hayes replies smiling. 

Inspiration: Going to the store with my little sister.

March 30 2017

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