Shawn Mendes---A Feeling I Just Can't Describe 2.0

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Imagine that you are going to surprise your boyfriend at his concert.

"La la la," I sing trying to warm up my vocal chords. You can do this. It's only Madison Square Garden. It's only my biggest concert ever. Breath Shawn. You can do this.

I take a deep breath when I heard my phone buzz. I quickly stood up, and walked over to the little table in my dressing room to grab it. Gosh, I hope it's Y/N. I could really need to talk to her. She always knows how to calm me down when I'm nervous. I look at the message and see that it's Y/N. Yes!

Y/N: Good luck tonight. You're gonna kill it. I smile at her text. Me: Thanks. I'm so nervous. I've never performed at Madison square garden before. Let alone sold it out. Y/N: Don't be nervous. You deserve to sell this place out. Your amazing. You'll do great. I know it.

My smile quickly faded when I remembered that she couldn't make it to my concert. Me: Thanks babe. I just wish you could be here with me. Y/N: I'm always with you. I rolled my eyes she always said this when I wanted her to be with me and she wasn't. Me: I know I know your always with me in my heart. I just wish you could actually be here.

There was a knock at the dressing room door. "Come in," I called. The shows director walked in. "You're in in five minutes," he said. I nodded then looked back at my phone. Shawn: Well it's show time. I'll talk to you after.

I grab my guitar, and make my way to the stage. I drink some water as I walk to make sure that my vocal chords are okay. When I get there I start to strum a couple of simple strings on my guitar. I hear girls start to scream even louder then they were before as I walk into the stage.

Dang this place is packed. You can do this. I walk up to the microphone. "I thought that I've been hurt before, but no ones ever left me quite this sore..." I start to sing.

A couple of songs later I am is singing one of Y/N's favorite songs, Imagination. I had written it about her. It was the story of how we met.

Half way into the song I look towards the a part of the crowd that I hadn't really paid much attention to. I suddenly lock eyes with a very familiar pair of eyes.

The breath catches in my throat causing me to cough. I stop playing my guitar even while the rest of my band continues to play.

The whole crowd disappears and it feels like time has stopped. We stare into each others eyes getting lost.

After what feels like a life time, but has only been a few seconds, we are brought back to reality by all the girls who had stopped screaming. They were now asking if I was okay.

"I'm perfect," I say sending Y/N a smile.

I start to sing the song from the beginning while staring into Y/N's eyes the whole time he sings.

After the concert I make my way backstage to do a meet and greet with a couple of fans. I take pictures with them, and sign stuff for them. When the meet and greet is over my bodyguard bring me back to my dressing room.

When we are around the corner of it I ask him, "Is she here?" I know that I probably sounded ridiculously excited, But I really didn't care. I was going to see my girl again after being a way from her for a long time. He nods as we finally arrive to my dressing room.

I walk into the room Y/N jumps out from behind the couch. "Y/N!," I say running over to her. I pick her up in my arms and spin her in a circle.

"You see what you do to me?" I whisper. "What?" she asks. "You take my breath away," I saykissing her lips softly.


Inspiration: Nat Time's YouTube video, Shawn Mendes as your boyfriend. This was modified from her video. She had shown a video of Shawn's voice cracking with the caption: He sees you in the crowd and loses his voice.

*Go check out Nat Time's YouTube channel. She makes really good Shawn Mendes videos a long with a couple of other stars.*

March 18 2017

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