Cameron Dallas---We Belong To The Light

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Imagine watching the sunset over a lake with your boyfriend.


"This is nice," you say dragging your toes in the water causing little ripples to appear in the cold water. "Agreed," Cameron says. Both of you are sitting on a small wooden pier with your legs dangling off of it and into the water below.

Cameron and you were staying at his family's lake house for the weekend. He wanted to take you on a small relaxing vacation because your life was throwing lots of difficult things at you. He knew that you needed a break from everything, so he had worked it out with his family for you two to spend the weekend on the lake.

Cameron stretches his arms causally draping one of them around your shoulders. You can't help the little giggle that escapes your lips at his clichè move. "What?" he asks. You stare deep into his eyes. "Nothing. Everything's perfect," you say.

You start to lean in to kiss him, but he uses the arm that was wrapped around your shoulders to push you into the lake. You fall into the cold water, still in a T-shirt and shorts, belonging to the lake. You push your feet against the rough dirt at the bottom of the lake, and pop back up through the water.

Out of breath from sudden impact of the water, that you were not expecting, you give a little cough and glare at Cameron. But he is looking at the setting sun doing his best to act incessant. Even though you can see the start of a smirk on his lips.

You suddenly grab a hold of his leg, catching him off guard, and pull him into the lake with you. He falls into the water making a big splash. You can't help but laugh at the look Cameron gives you when his head comes back up from under the water
He shakes his head like a dog spraying little droplets of water at you.

"You're in for it now," he says. He splashes water at your face. The water gets into your eyes. You wipe at them with your hands trying to get your eye sight back.

When you gain back your sight you see Cameron swimming over towards you. You try to swim away, but two large arms wrap tightly around your waist pulling you back. Your back hits a wall made of muscles, and you feel hot breath being blown slightly against your neck. "You know that you can't escape me," Cameron whispers in your ear.

He turns you around, and stares into your eyes. You feel as if you could melt under the gaze of his brown eyes. Cameron slightly licks his lips as his eyes quickly dart down to look at your lips then back into your eyes. He leans in towards your face. You close your eyes as he does the same, and meet him halfway.

Your lips gently touch each other at first, but then it quickly becomes more hungry. He lightly bites your bottom lip asking for entrance. When you refuse to allow his tongue entrance he groans obviously frustrated. He tries to open your lips with his own. Finally he opens them, and you both fight for dominance. Cameron wound up winning even though you had tried to claim dominance over him.

You eventually pull away out of breath. His lips doing their best to follow yours, but you put your hands on his chest holding him back. "It's getting cold," you say coming up with an excuse to end the heated make out session before it went to far.

He picks you up while holding you in the air above his head, and spins you in a circle. When he puts you down you both swim back to the pier, and climb back onto it.

You guys sit back down. Your back resting against his chest while you sit in between his legs. He puts a towel around your soaking wet body, and holds you tight against his chest.

"Warm?" he asks. You nod and continue to watch the sunset over the lake.


Inspiration: I was watching the opening credits of one of my favorite TV shows, Outlander. The chorus of an older song called We Belong by Pat Benatar that I heard playing on the radio this morning.

March 1 2017

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