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" Well, its a miracle! I have never seen anything like it." The doctor said as he stepped out of the room Anna lay in. Daniel looked to the doctor. 

" She is recovering so fast." He said. Daniel smiled happily. He slowly began to laugh and cry with joy. Without thinking he zoomed past the baffled doctor and right to Anna's side. Daniel looked at her. The doctor was right. Colour was slowly returning to her face. As well as warmth to her skin. Her breathing had become faster and more equal. 

" Do you know when she will wake?" Daniel asked the doctor not taking silvery eyes away from Anna.  

" I hope she does in the next two days." The doctor said. Daniel smiled and grabbed a hold of Anna's warm hand. He smiled softly to her.

" You hear that?" He whispered and kissed her forehead.


It's the second day. Anna was laying still in the same bed. There was still no sign showing that she was closer to waking up. And today, Daniel hoped that she will. He longed to see her hazel brown eyes again after so long. Daniel's eyes slowly began to close from lack of sleep and soon they closed. Slowly he began to drift off into sleep.

" Daniel?" A voice called. He knew that voice better than anything. He opened his eyes to see Anna beginning to open hers.

" Anna!" He called happily. His hand made its way to her cheek and stroked it gently. Anna slowly started to come around.

" Doctor!" Daniel called and the doctor stormed into the room. He went over to Anna with a gently smiled.

" Morning my lady. Had a nice sleep" He asked her as he checked some things around her.

" Would you like some water?" The doc asked. Anna managed to nodded gently. He smiled and put a cup of water next to her lips. She slowly drank down the cool clear liquid. She felt it soothing her throat as it made its way down.

" How are you feeling?" The doctor asked her. Anna smiled and answered.

" Like a boat on a stormy sea." She said. They all snickered.

" Its good you have you humor back Anna." Daniel said with a bright smile. Anna returned the smile to him. Their stares both lingered there. They did not want to broke eye contact from fear that they might disappear.


" Well its been a day since you have woke and I see no problem in letting you go home. But you must stay in bed for another three days." The doctor said. Anna smiled at him. She was finally able to go home and lay in her own bed!

" I will make sure she follows your orders." Daniel said and walked over to Anna. He picked her up in his arms without a second to spare. He then carried her through the house and over to the carriage that was waiting for them. Daniel sat her down in the carriage and turned around to the doctor.

" Daniel, take this draft I made. Make sure she take is. It will ease any pain that she may still have." The doctor said giving Daniel a small glass bottle with a purple liquid in it.

" Doctor. There is no way in which would be enough to thank you for what you have done. So what ever you need. When you need it. It's yours no questions asked." Daniel said to him with a smile. His silver hair hung loosely over his head.

" I was only doing my job." He said as Daniel made his way into the carriage. With a small wave the carriage was on it's way back to Daniel's manor.

" What about James?" Anna asked staring out the window. Watching the houses go by

" We don't know. He ran off before we could punish him properly. But he did get a beaten." Daniel reassured her. Anna smiled to him with trust. Daniel had truly missed her smiles, he knew that for certain.

It was not long before the carriage pulled up outside of the manor. With a small jolt it came to a complete stop. Daniel opened the carriage door and stepped out. Anna slowly but surely lifted herself up off the seat. She shakily moved forward and took a hold of Daniel's hands. He helped her down out the carriage. He then wrapped his right arm around her waist and held her left hand in his, as he helped her up the set of stairs to the front door. Anna weakly placed one foot in front of the other while Daniel leaded the way. They soon walked into a room and Anna took the room in.

" Daniel. This is your room?" Anna asked as her eyes moved to his. A small and gently smile replaced his normal expression.

" Of course, you do not think I will leave you alone in such state?" Daniel smirked. His silver eyes giving a gently loving glance. Anna smiled and with Daniel's help, was soon in the large double bed. Daniel pulled the covers up and over her as she placed her head on the pillow. Daniel then pulled up a chair and sat down next to her.

" Daniel. May I ask a very... Personal question? " Anna asked avoiding eye contact.  Daniel wad curious to what was on the mind of his fiancé.

"Of course, after all we are so to be man and wife." Daniel said smiling at her. Anna's eyes immediately locked onto his. Her eyes had a determined look.

" Why is your eyes and hair the most vibrant silver I have ever seen? That coming from a blacksmith! " Anna asked. Daniel looked to the floor instantly. Only a few people knew about the story.

" I am sorry! You don't have to tell me anyth..." Anna began but was promptly cut off by Daniel.

" But I want to! You see, when I was born. I was born with midnight black hair and deep blue eyes. They were that colour until I turned 3 years of age. It was then they slowly turned colour to silver. The doctors tried everything to figure out what was wrong. But even after eleven doctors tried,  there was now answer. So we gave up and accepted that if anything did happen they could have done nothing to stop it. Then, what my family and I feared that would happen, happened. " Daniel continued to explain. Anna listened fully to his story.

" I became gravely ill. I was close to death for almost three full days. Then the next morning, I woke up feeling great. Ever since then, I have never been ill. Not even a cold or flu." Daniel said. Anna nodded and smiled to him.

" Thank you, for sharing that." Anna smiled as Daniel took his hand into hers.

" But Anna. I do not know if this will be past to our children? What if it is passed down to them?" Daniel asked worried. Anna placed her other hand on top if his.

" Daniel. If that does happen, I am sure they will become as handsome or pretty as you are." Anna smiled softly to him. Daniel returned that smile as he knew she was right. With her as their mother, there was no doubt in his mind. That his children will be the most beautiful of all.

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