The Meeting

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The heat of the fire ravaged against the smooth skin of it's creator. The orange of it's embers shone brightly with a deadly heat. The sound of metal being battered into a shape, sounded loudly as a hammer connected against a cherry red block of steel. Sweat slowly fell down the Blacksmiths cheek as she battered the steel. Then pushing the cooling steel back into the fire to reheat the metal. She continued this over and over again until the steel had formed a long steel blade. She heated the blade to a heat which she gauged by her skilled eyes. Once it reached a certain heat she pulled it out and splashed it into the cold water. It hissed loudly. She then placed it down onto a block of stones and left it be to cool completely. She sighed heavily. The Blacksmith had been working on this blade for over three weeks.

She stood up and walked through her house and out the front into to the front shop. She sat down on a chair that was behind a counter and relaxed gently. Her shop was in the middle of nowhere. So she had very little customers. But she never gave it a second though. She liked being out in the middle of nowhere. She was alone, all her family were killed when she was only 15. That was five years ago. Her father was a blacksmith as well and taught her the art of such. Now at the age of 20 she was a skill blacksmith. Her specialty being weapons, sword to be exact. She is the youngest and the only lady blacksmith there has ever been. She sighed as she relaxed against the back of her wooden chair.

Just as she closed her eyes the door to her shop open with a squeal in its usual resistance. Her eyes flung open and looked to the door. A tall man with silver hair walked in. He was young so it was strange that he had such hair. To go with his hair he had silver eyes with a hint of purple. He wore a white shirt with a red waist coat with gold pattern and a red tie. Over the top he wore a well tailored suit jacket with a tail. A gold chain in his pocket stretched out. His trouser were black and formal. His shoes, you would think would be smart. But rather they were fairly worn boats. His cane hit the floor which was being held in his right hand. He was dirty and look like he has not cleaned in weeks.

" Hello." The Blacksmith spoke. The man walked over to her counter. He stopped and pulling out his sword, placing it gently on top of the hard wooded counter. Anna had her eyes fixed onto the woren out silver blade.

" Whats your name?" The man asked the Blacksmith. She looked up at the man.

"Anna. Anna Greenglade." She said. She looked back to the sword he had placed in front of him.

" And you? What is your?" Anna asked.

" My name is Daniel." He said with simplicity in his voice. Anna continued to survey his sword.

" The craftsmanship of this blade is phenomenal. Tell me, who crafted this?" Anna ask Daniel.

" I wish I could say but I do not know. It has been handed down to me. But I believe it may be in need of repair. " He said. Anna nodded.

" Indeed you are right. There is a few chips and cracks in it. Nothing I cannot fix." Anna said. She looked to Daniel and his eyes locked onto hers.

" How much and how long will it take?" Daniel asked.

" It will cost about 100 coins and it will take about a week." Anna said.

" That is fairly cheap for a repair, is it not?" Daniel said reaching into his pocket to pull out his pouch.

" I take most of the payment from the enjoyment in making the blade again. The money is just for the material used." She said. The silver haird man then reached into his pocket and pulled out a poutch. Just as Daniel was about to give her money for the repair Anna stopped him.

" I only take money once the work is complete. Not before." She said taking the sword through a door frame in the wall. She placed it onto a shelf and walked back through.

" Forgive give me but, you seem a bit young to be a blacksmith. Also you are...." Daniel began only to stop, for he did not want to continue in fear that he may insult her.

" A woman, yes. At my being a blacksmith at such a young age? That happens when you have all day, everyday to spare." She said. Daniel looked at her.

" Do you not have family or a lover to take your time?" Daniel asked.

" Rather bold for a first meeting are we not?" Anna said standing up straight.

" Forgive me, I was not meaning to imply anything. Just a woman of your beauty. I would have thought you would have been snached up already." Daniel said. Anna smiled to him.

" No. I have nought but my thoughts to keep me from going deranged. I am alone in this world and I have been for a long time. My future ain't looking to bright either." She said.

" Do not dismiss anything my lady. You can never for tell what the future my give you." Daniel said.  Then with a nodded Daniel turned around and headed for the door.

" I shall be back in a week." He said. Anna nodded and disappeared into the back of her shop. Daniel then walked out of the shop and closed the door behind him.

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