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Daniel and Anna have been walking for around two days only stopping to sleep. Anna was getting tired as Daniel had soon noticed. He stopped, turning around and looked at the brown haired woman before him. He sighed knowing they should stop for a while and rest.

" We will stop here for the night. Get some rest." Daniel said gently to Anna. Anna nodded and walked over to a small clearing just beyond the forest line. Daniel followed behind her as she gathered some wood and began a fire. Daniel watched her every move. Every little muscle twitching, he could see them all. Anna was by far not stunning in the beauty section, She had a gently beauty, one that he had never seen before and Daniel wanted to see it more. Compared to the other woman he came into contact with, they were overly bright. Blindingly bright if Daniel may say. But Anna's beauty was more of a gently glow that was satisfying to the eye. Her soft pale skin would flawless pull any man to her, along with her eyes that where both brown but hazel. Her long brown hair tied up in a pony tail reached just above the small of her back. her fringe hanging just above her eyes helped give her face a strong structure.

" Daniel, you never did tell me your last name." Anna said to him. Daniel looked to the ground, he was reluctant to tell her his name, because everyone who knows of it tends treats he differently. He would like to have at least one person to treat him like a normal person for a while and Anna has been doing that, since he walked into her shop. He like it that way, that he way he was treat like a normal person and not the rich man he is.

" That question can be left for tomorrow." He said. But Anna was not about to let it go that easily. Anna looked to the sitting man with determination written all over her face.

" Daniel. If you are scared that once I learn of your name I might treat you differently to what I have. You could not be more wrong even if you tried." Anna said trying to show him he had nought to fear. It was like she was able to read Daniel's mind. But he shook his head

" But you will. Everyone always does." Daniel said. Anna laughed slightly as she then gently stood up and walked over to him.

" But I am not everyone." She said as she sat down next to his side. Daniel sighed defeated by her. This surprised him as he normally was never so easy going. Daniel rarely would lose in an argument.

That was why he was such a successful business man. He would always win in either an argument or a brawl, which he has been in many.

" Very well. I will enlighten you of it. But first you must make me a promise. That you will not treat me any different to how you are treating me now." Daniel said. Anna nodded and put out a hand. Daniel reached over and shook it. Daniel nodded knowing the promise was made.

" A name is a name it does not merit anything but identification." Anna said. In a way promise such to his request. they both released hands

" My name is Sir Daniel William Thomas." He said just awaiting for Anna to change in character now that she has what she wanted. Daniel half expected her to stand up and run away from him. But that did not happen. Anna just sat by his side with her usually gentle smile.

" See that not so hard now, was it?" Anna said smiling to the silver haired man. Daniel was surprised at her reaction. Normally, once someone has been informed of his name they would either become scared or would swoon all over him. But never has this happened and it made Anna more interesting to him that she was.

" You are strange. Normally people would either run or tried to make themselves friends with me. Never have they acted this way." Daniel exclaimed. Anna laughed slightly at his surprised look.

" Well you do not scare me because you have not given me reason too. Also you can live a comfortable life with little coin in your pocket, and like I said, just because you name is well known will not make me change how I would treat you." Anna said to him. Her words ringing through his head as he tried to understand them. Anna placed her hand on his lap, hitting it several times softly and smiled.

" Now come on, lets get some rest." She said. Daniel could see the look in her eyes, the anguish and heartbreak from losing her life. But he would make sure that in repayment for everything she has done for him. She would be well looked after until she finds another place. Anna lay down onto the forest ground and slowly drifted into a gentle sleep. Daniel done the same placing his back against Anna's, so that they could keep as much heat as the could.

The night was cold and long as the fire had died over an hour ago leaving only embers in its wake. Anna, wearing only a shirt and trouser, for warmth began to shiver from the frost bitten air. It could be not later than three thirty at night and the frost was slowly setting in. Being winter the night were longer and colder than normal. Anna's shivering began to get bad. It was now so bad that in managed to woke Daniel, He looked to her and saw that her once pink lips were almost blue and her skin was pale. Daniel frowned and then pulled the frozen woman to him. He hugged her tightly trying to heat the violently shaking body up.

" Silly woman, you should have told me." He mumbled under his breath. She was frozen cold against him. He stayed like this for the rest of the night transfer heat to Anna so that she could warm up.

Soon enough the sun slowly peck over the land. Giving the long awaited warmth to the frozen land. Daniel lay with Anna wrapped into him tightly. Her was not shivering as much as she was anymore but she still was shaking. Daniel looked around him to see the place had pretty much frozen over. It was then he heard the hooves of several horses coming closer. Then a very familiar voice sounded over them.

" He must be around here somewhere! We have to find him soon, this frost would surely have done him damage." A voice called out. Daniel realized who it was and called out.

" John!" He called. It was quiet for a few seconds before there was a reply.

" Sir Daniel? Where are you?" It called.

" Down here! Come quickly!" Daniel called back. But through this shouting Anna did not awake. Which sent dreaded fear rippling through him. Soon there was footsteps heading towards them.

" God lord, sir!" John said. His tall figure in a black and white suit, towered over the pair sitting on the ground. He had short brown hair and harsh green eyes.

" Quick help me with her." Daniel said. John nodded and took Anna into his arms with ease. John was strongly built and has no trouble lifting Anna. Daniel the stood up, stretching out his stiff limbs.

" Come we must get her back to the manor immediately." He said as he lead John back over to the path.

" Anna will ride with me." He said as he mounted a free horse. John nodded and passed Anna up to Daniel, who sat her just in front of him so that she would not fall. With knowledge that Anna was secure onto the horse, he then sent his horse into a fast gallop.

What should have taken another two days walk by foot was cut short to half a day riding at a steady but fast pace. And soon enough Daniel's manor slowly came into view.

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