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" Ah Daniel! I have been looking for you everywhere." A voice said behind Daniel and Anna as they walked through some halls. They both stopped to turn and look at who the voice belonged to. He had dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. He had his hands in his blue waistcoat's pockets. His fancy black shoes clipped against the dark wooden flooring.

" James. I would like you too meet Anna. My guest." Daniel said. It was only now Anna saw the height difference between her and the two men in front of her as they glared to each other.

" Anna meet James. My elder brother." Daniel said. Anna looked to him and smiled gently. James reached down and took her hand him his black gloved hand, before kissing her knuckles gently. He seemed to linger there for a while, eyeing her hand.

" Such smooth and soft skin to have for a blacksmith." He whispered. Anna feeling uncomfortable looked to Daniel. Daniel seeing her uncomfortable expression, he tooked Anna's hand into his own and out of James's. With a sturn look at his brother, Daniel subconsciously pulled Anna behind him slightly in a protective manner. Anna squeezed Daniel's hand softly to tell him not to worry about it and not to start a fuss. 

" If you will excuse us." Daniel said before gently leading Anna back down the hall the way they were originally going before their interruption. 

" Take no notice of what my brother says to heart. He does not know what he speaks about most of the time." Daniel said keeping his eyes glued to the way they were headed. Anna nodded her head and looked down. Their hands were still connected. The warmth of his large smooth hand laced around her hand sent sparks of comfort and happiness to Anna. At that moment she blushed greatly and looked away. She never knew she could be so... so femininely. She has always been one to be tough and just get on with things, but ever since Daniel has shown up. She has been acting more like a woman should than what she used too. 

" Here, this is your room." Daniel said as they stopped at a wooden oak door. Its large black handle sat in the middle to the right of it. Daniel pushed it open to see a fairly large room. It had a large king sized four poster bed with deep blue silk sheets. The duvet being a darker shade to the pillows. The drapes where a light blue and the wood of the bed was a deep brown colour. The floor was also a deep rich colour of wood, along with a chest of drawers and a large wardrobe. Two large windows reaching from the roof to mid waist, stood side by side to each other. Both with blue black out curtains.  A large mirror sat on a desk next to the windows, with a chair slipped under the table. A screen on the right hand side of the last window on the right stood covering a bath tub behind it. 

" This is my room?" Anna asked looking to Daniel. He only nodded.

" But... But this room is almost bigger than my old house!" She exclaimed. She walked almost ran into the room and over to the window. Her view was of the gentle rolling sea. The sea softly rolled up and onto the sandy beach. It was also of the rolling grassy fields next to the sea

" Thank you Daniel, I can never repay you enough." She said running over to him and instantly embracing him in a hug. Anna's eyes pricked with tears this was far more than she ever had. More than she believed she deserved. Daniel was surprised at first but relaxed and snaked his arms around the thin girl before him. If it were up to him, he would stay like this for a very long time. Daniel has never felt so comfortable in an embrace before. Anna then pulled away from Daniel and looked him. They smiled for a while but they were interrupted only moments later by a knock at the door. 

" Yes." Daniel spoke. The door opened and a petite maid walked in. She bowed and looked to the pair.

" The seamstress has arrived." She said moving a side for the woman to walk through. She was a fairly old woman, in her forties. She had gray hair and few tiny wrinkles here and there. She walked in with two bags. Then behind her a male servant walked in carrying two larger bags. 

" set them there, dear." She spoke to the man carrying her things. The man nodded and placed them down before leaving the room. Daniel looked to the seamstress.

"I would like you to fit, Anna here, with five day dresses, two party gowns and two night dresses. Along with any other pieces of essential clothing." He said. The seamstress nodded.

" Very well. Now you best leave. I do not think you want to be here for what i am about to start." She said. Daniel nodded and turned back to Anna. He smiled softly to her.

" I will see you later tonight maybe. Failing that I shall see you in the morning." He said before leaving the room swiftly. Anna looked to the seamstress.


" Good morning Miss. It is time for you to rise. Master Daniel is expecting you for breakfast in the main hall." A voice said gently as someone opened up the curtains to allow the winter's light to enter the room. Anna groaned, she has never had a wake up call before. Her covers where then pulled away from her and Anna reluctant stood up her feet. She was ushered through to behind the screen and was told to take her new night gown off. Which she did and was then shoved into a dress.

The dress was a bottle green colour with tight fitting sleeves that reached her wrists. The shoulder were tight leading into a large v-line neck. The dress fitted tightly around her torso just to about her waist. From there is fell loosely down her legs to the ground. The maid then brushed her hair and pinned it up in a half up half down state with her fringe hanging down her face. Anna pulled on some boots and left the room following the maid down the halls. She began fidgeting with her dress. She had not worn a dress in almost five years. This was far to weird for her.

" Something wrong Miss?" The maid asked. Anna looked to her and shook her head.

" Everything is fine. I just have not worn a dress in nearly five years. Just seems weird 'tis all." Anna said smiling. The maid nodded and stopped at some doors. She opened then and motioned for Anna to go in. Anna done as she was asked.

" Master Daniel. Your guest has arrived." The Butler's voice called.

" Thank you John." Daniel said. Daniel stood up, along with his brother and looked to Anna. His eyes went wide as he saw Anna in a dress for the first time.

" Does the dress looking okay?" Anna asked sheepishly. She was embarrassed, Anna felt exprosed on a new level.  Daniel nodded softly.

" You look beautiful." Daniel said. Anna smiled softly with reassurance of her appearance. Daniel walked over to her and placed a hand on the small of her back leading her over to the table.

" How was your sleep?" Daniel asked Anna.

" Peaceful, thank you." She replied. Daniel pulled a chair out for her just beside himself. Anna sat down and Daniel went back to his own seat. Followed by James sitting down as well. Just then the maids arrived with plates of food.

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