Chapter 1: Seeing Him

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It was a bleak December day when I first saw him. All in black with a white mask. He was hiding, not letting anyone see him. I saw him by accident.

He heard someone coming up the stairs and tried to flee. I was just roaming around the opera house looking for a quiet place to sing. He ran by, quickly and gracefully but extremely quiet. He might have seen me or might not have, I don't know. I hoped that he had. But I do know that I hid. Even though I saw nothing but beauty, you can never be too careful.

He got away and I never even saw his face. I let my curiosity get the best of me and decided to follow him. He had just gone around the corner and I knew where it would lead. Just as I was about to go around the corner I heard, "Valentina Lafleure! Where have you been? You still need to get in costume, do your hair, and do your makeup!" There she was, the rudest woman I ever had the patience to put up with. She always wore her hair in a tight bun that had every hair in place. By the end of a extremely busy day, you could look and see that not one hair was out of place. Miss Simon also had a very erect back and always dressed very boringly.

"I'm coming Miss Simon." I looked back around the corner very quickly, but there was no sign of the man with the mask.

Valentina Lafleure, that was me. I was a backup in the Opera Garnier but I really wanted a lead. I preferred to have my long curly red hair down, yet the stylist demanded that I wear it up. The stylist criticized me on everything, except my dark blue eyes. That was the one thing that they envied about me. I had never really trusted men. They broke my friends heart one to many times. I didn't not like men. They were handsome but I just never payed attention to them. There was one man though that was racing through my mind. Ever since he made his first appearance, not just when I first saw him. It was the Phantom of the Opera of course.

The Phantom's Admirer By: K.C.MWhere stories live. Discover now