Chapter 20

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1 month later

In the past month, a lot had happened. The Eye came through for us, and gotten us all apartments; one for Daniel and I, one for Merritt, one for Henley, and Jack was staying with Courtney. They also gave us each a pretty healthy bank account to keep us comfortable. Each bank account had around $100,000. How they got the money for us, I don't know, but I'm not about to complain.

The first few days of Daniel and I living together we a bit...weird. It wasn't intolerable, but it was definitely odd having to get used to his schedule. Example: he showers at night, so when we would go to bed, his hair would still be a bit wet. Seeing that I am normally a morning shower person, I just find it odd. But other than those first few days, I don't think I've ever been happier. It's not every day where I meet a hot guy who actually respects me, but it's another thing when they'll willingly live with me.

But as much as I love him, I knew deep down in my gut that this happy 'honeymoon' stage wouldn't last forever, no matter how hard we'd try. I always pretend not to be scared for that moment that the arguing starts, but I really am, and I don't want to lose Daniel.

Better enjoy the bliss while it lasts. 

I believe it was the 17th of April when we got the mass text from Dylan. It was around three in the morning. Blip. Daniel woke up first, when he moved to grab his phone. "Hey, babe," I mumbled. "What is it?"

"Text from Dylan," he answered.

"At..." I turned to grab my phone to see the time. "Three thirteen in the morning?"


Blip. My phone got the text too. "I got it too."

I know it's early, but please make it to the coordinates by the end of the week. 36.176808, -115.135050.

"Wonder why the end of the week," Daniel wondered aloud. He opened the Horsemen group chat, and sent out a mass text. Anyone else get the coordinates?

Almost immediately, everyone responded. I read the texts as they came in. About two minutes later, Jack sent out can we just discuss this over breakfast in the morning?

I immediately replied with I second that, and I turned off my phone. Daniel followed almost immediately after, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. "Wonder what it's about," he whispered.

"I don't know, and I don't care at three seventeen in the morning. Maybe later at like nine I will, but not now."

"If you fall asleep again I will be seriously impressed."

"What're you implying?"

"I'm not implying anything. I know that when you wake up, you normally don't fall back asleep."

"And you know this how?"

"Really? I've known you for over a year, I know this stuff."

"Yes, but how long have you been sleeping with me?"

"Long enough to know."

I nuzzled my head underneath his chin. "Well, I can still try."

"You can. You'll probably fail."

I laughed. "Yeah, yeah, I probably will."

He was quiet for a few seconds. "Good night, Lana. I love you."

 I snuggled into his chest. "I love you too."


Two days later, at around four in the morning, all of the Horsemen came together in front of Courtney's house and we took a van down to the coordinates, which were around Vegas. Wohoo, thirty seven hour drive! With crazy people! Double Wohoo!

I See You Now(J. Daniel Atlas) - A Now You See Me FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now