Chapter 1

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My Channel

I sighed. Only 4,997,054 subscribers(only, I know). So close, yet so damn far. I sat on my bed, on top of my dark purple covers, as the sun glistened through my window, causing an annoying glare on the screen of my Macbook. I got up, and closed the galaxy curtains, and jumped back on the bed. My Iphone was plugged into my Bose speaker, and was playing I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy. I have a playlist of heavier songs by Fall Out Boy, along with Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance. I love those types of songs in the morning. It makes me want to punch the fucking sun.

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Remember, once I hit 5 million subscribers, the giveaway will end! You get a brand new Iphone 5s, with a signed case!


I watched the likes pour in. The first 5 likes were from roseprince, lulma11, cenitdunit, lbkutz, and wildermagic. My phone next to me buzzed, and I looked at it. My best friend, Courtney, texted me. Courtney Rakasha and I have been friends for 5 years. We collaborate a lot. She does a challenge channel and collaborates with our little group and sometimes others outside of it. Our little group is a family, we get each other. Me, Courtney, Delilah Fanning(a beauty guru/musician), the twins James and Reid Daasen(comedy/blog), and Carson Smith(gamer).

Carson's still on for today. He'll meet you at Coldstone on W 42 at noon.

I replied with How do you know that and why didn't he just text me?

A moment later, she replied. He texted me instead of you, thought my # was yours for a sec, then I told him. He told me to relay the message to you

Cool. Thanks.

Hey, why aren't you dating?

I've been over this a million times, he's more of a brother than a boyfriend. Plus, I'm not ready for another boyfriend yet

Lana, you're 26! You need to date someone soon before you get ugly!

C, I don't want to date any time soon. I've had too many bad experiences. I've gotta get ready now, talk later.

This, sadly, was true. All of my ex-boyfriends were ass-hats. Controlling, thought of me as a prize, and most of them cheated. It's making me think I'll never find someone who appreciates me.

I got up, and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of ripped black leggings, a white Panic! t-shirt, and my leather jacket. I walked into the master bathroom, and got changed. After I got changed, I pulled out my hairbrush, and brushed through my dark brown hair.

"Good God, is my part that scattered today?!" I asked myself, noticing my part looking like a zigzag mess on the left side of my head. I pulled out a spray bottle and my comb. I wet my hair, realigned my part, and set it. I pulled out my makeup bag, and sorted through it. I pulled out black eyeliner, mascara, concealer, powder, and red lipstick.

After about 10 minutes, I finished with my makeup, and put it away. I opened my cabinet behind the mirror, and looked at my jewelry collection. I pulled out a skeleton hand bracelet, my black ribbon tank top, and my Fall Out Boy dog-tags, and put them on.

I See You Now(J. Daniel Atlas) - A Now You See Me FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now