Chapter 6

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1 month later

It was time for the photo-shoot for The Five Horsemen's posters and online ads, but now Daniel, Henley, Jack, and Merritt were getting fans, and lots of them. During the party, Reid came up with the brilliant idea to have them in my new videos. I started vlogging every other day on my channel, and they were always in them, performing magic for the camera. We all did a video called Common Myths About Magicians Vs. The Truth(as told by The Five Horsemen), and that video gave each of the others a boost. 

We also did tricks on the street often, and one of our Snapchat videos was featured on Jimmy Fallon, and our fan-base grew exponentially. I also set up social media accounts for Merritt, because he didn't have any. 

The first time Jack showed up on my YouTube, his followers grew from 120, to over 15,000 overnight. Merritt's grew from 9 to 13,000 over a 24-hour period.

The photo-shoot was at noon, but they needed us by 11 for make-up and for our clothes, which Arthur's people got for us. Each costume was awesome. Mine had black leather pants, a navy blue dress shirt, a black leather vest, and navy blue heels. I had dyed my hair black, with a touch of navy at the ends. Henley's outfit had black pants, a navy blue trench coat, and black stilettos. Jack's outfit was black dress pants, a black dress shirt, black suspenders, and black dress shoes. Daniel's outfit was just a black suit without a tie, but he still pulled it off fabulously. Merritt's was the same, but with a bow-tie and a black fedora.

We all met up at the photography room a few minutes before noon, while the on-screen area was being prepared. I was the second one out, Daniel was first. I walked up behind Daniel and rested my chin on his shoulder. "Hey."

He turned around to look at me. "Well, look at you. I don't think I've ever seen you when you're not emo."

This was true. I always had thick eyeliner and band merch on, but today I wore a fancy outfit and winged eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man. "Ugh, I know, I feel weird too."

He laughed. "You look good."

"Thanks, so do you."

"Well I take that as a compliment," he said in an almost mocking voice. 

"Good God, Daniel, it was a compliment."

He smirked. "Uuuugh I regret not having that drink before we left."

"Why? We haven't started yet."

"The photo-taking I don't mind. It's the preparation that drives me nuts."

I nodded in agreement. "I wonder how Jack is doing with the whole 'stage makeup' thing."

"I really hate this," came a voice from behind us.

I jumped, and turned to see Jack. "Good God you scared me!" The boys laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes. 

"I can't stand this. I really have to itch my eye but I can't!"

"Awwww, poor Jack," I said in a teasing voice. I looked back at Daniel, who almost looked a little annoyed. Is he jealous? I looked past him, and saw Henley walking towards us. I looked the other way, and Merritt was approaching too. "Well, the gang's all together now. Let's do this."

The on-screen area was all black, with a large black box in the center. There were going to be about 10 pictures taken; 4 group pictures, 1 for each individual, and 1 of the ring-leaders, me and Daniel. I think the only person who was actually excited for this was Henley, but I never asked. Yes, I like being in front of the camera, but not when people are posing me and giving me orders. 

I See You Now(J. Daniel Atlas) - A Now You See Me FanFictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora