Chapter 13

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Arthur was not pleased at our late arrival. He's sort of OCD, he wants everything to go exactly as planned. Too bad for him. But it's not like he'd go anywhere without us, his precious money makers. We could tell he wasn't happy by the stern expression on his face, but he didn't say anything. When he asked us why we were half an hour off schedule, we quickly made up some lie about traffic. Which he understood, as it was Las Vegas, and there was always traffic. 

I sat in the back of the plane, and worked out details for the bullet catch, while Daniel sat up front by himself, Jack talked to Jasmine, and Henley and Merritt were talking in a booth. Almost all of the details were sorted out, all except one. But my mind was wandering. If you think Daniel was on my mind, you'd be right, in a sense. He had mentioned early this morning during his questioning? What did he say? Many possibilities riddled my mind as I attempted to focus. 

"Lana," I heard someone say about 2 and a half hour into the flight. I looked up, and saw Jack. I gestured towards the seat across from me with my eyes, and he sat down. "You figure out the bullet catch?"

"I did," I answered, keeping my voice quiet. He leaned in to listen for my explanation. "I have 2 pre-loaded magazines, one is loaded with 2 blanks, one isn't loaded. You'll show the FBI agents 2 marked bullets, and have them load the bullets into the empty magazine, and into the gun. They have tickets on the terrace, so when you're on your way down to the stage, you have to switch the magazine with the bullets and the one with the blanks."

"What about making the bullets appear in the bowl?"

"Someone else will have them palmed, and help put a bulletproof vest on me. We'll explain that we don't want me getting hurt and our insurance won't be liable for the injury. They'll discretely hand me the bullets, and when you shoot, I'll drop them in. Also shoot one at a time, and ask me if I'm okay, then shoot one more time."

He nodded. "Sounds easy enough. Who'll get you the vest?"

"I don't know yet. I'm thinking Merritt."

He nodded, and began to get up.

"Wait, Jack," I grabbed his arm.

He looked back at me. "Hm?"

"Rhodes mentioned that you brought up last night. What'd you say?"

He shrugged. "Just that Daniel made a mistake that he shouldn't have. Why?"

"Just curious. Now go," I let go of his arm, and he walked back into the main cabin. I watched as he walked, then I looked back down at my lap, and played with my black crown opal ring that Daniel got for me for Christmas. I watched the holographic gem reflect the light from the sun that came through the window. After a few minutes, I looked back up into the main cabin.

I saw Arthur talking to Conan on his Ipad. I was in a direct line of sight to the Ipad camera, as I saw the side of my head on the small camera. Thank my great vision. I quietly watched Arthur talk to the blonde entertainer. I watched him talk about how he'd save the lawyer first, then himself, then the children. That's rude, we're not that young.

About 5 minutes later, there was a voice that spoke up in front of me. "Hey, guys," it was Daniel talking to Merritt and Henley. "We have a show to prepare for."

"Oh do we now?" Merritt asked, getting up. I followed him. Henley got up too.

"Nonono, don't do that. You're not doing that thing to me. No."

"Doing what? I'm just looking at you."

This is when I got onto my feet, and followed Henley into the main cabin. "No you're not," Daniel testified. "I've been watching you for a year-"

I See You Now(J. Daniel Atlas) - A Now You See Me FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now