Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Tormand MacLeod would get revenge for this. Six of his men killed trading sheepskin? Bloody Hell!!

The Damn MacGuins had it coming; his father was in a rage he wouldn't doubt if he sent them tonight. Turning to his first in command he ordered, "Tell the men to be ready, there will be no drinking tonight. Have my brother freshen up and meet me in the lairds solar."

"Aye m'lord, I hope he has a damned good explanation for this." said Balfour as he left to do his bidding.

With his father's illness Tor had taken on most of the responsibility of chieftain. His people and men trusted and respected him; They all knew there had to be repercussions for this. He could hear the wives of the dead wailing. They deserved their tears; who would have thought their husbands wouldn't come back from escorting the shepherd to the trading post?

The MacGuins were out of control but he doubted that was all of it. He began his was to the laird's solar to wait with his father. He was looking forward to hearing his brother Lagan's report; of course it would be his hot-headed brother to bring the feud back down on their heads. They were better prepared, having not lost as many men in the feuding but evidence of the past feud still lingered, not only in the land but in the hearts of all who survived.

Entering the solar he espied his father standing by the only window. At a handful of years over fifty, he looked good for his age. If it wasn't for the lung ailment his father had suffered from the past two years he doubted the proud Magnus MacLeod would even think of stepping down. Tor knew his father trusted him, and having turned thirty on his last saints' day he was more than old enough to become chief. He'd been acting chief for years now but he'd always had his father's guidance. Now with the threat of a returning blood feud he needed him even more.

Tor was an excellent fighter and wielded a two-handed great sword with deadly force. He knew for a fact there were only a handful of men in the highlands that could hold their own against him on the battlefield. Tor had sold his sword in Ireland for 4 years when he was young; needing more experience in battle and to fill the clan coffers. He'd do anything to protect his clan and he damn sure wasn't going to let something like this happen again.

Hearing his brother knock he turned towards the door along with his father. Lagan was now four and twenty, young and eager to prove himself. He stood in front of them with his hands behind his back.

Clearing his throat Lagan began, "I and eight other men had been riding out to patrol the western border. Simon the shepherd's lad was pulling his cart full of sheepskin. We asked him where he was taking it and he replied to the western trading post bordering the MacGuin land...I in-."

"Get to the damned point Lagan!" Tor didn't have time for this he wanted answers damnit! "Six men dead Lagan, what could you have been thinking? How did this happen?"

"It was the MacGuin's fault! we were only standing by while Simon bargained for the skins. The man didn't like his price and they started arguing, loudly. The MacGuin patrol came through the trees and demanded to know what was going on. Ewen told them it was none of their damned business when the leader dismounted and pulled his sword. We started arguing and he attacked."

Tor caught a glimpse of guilt in his eyes before he schooled his features. "There's more, what are you not telling me?" Lagan clearly didn't like being questioned; his brother's face began to turn red with anger or was it something else? Embarrassment? "Lagan"

"T'was a lass." Tor was momentarily speechless. A lass?

"This was over a woman?" Tor tried to control his rising temper.

Lagan shook his head. "Nay Tormand, the leader was a lass." The flatness of his tone didn't fool Tor. He was furious. A lass leading the MacGuins? Tor was shocked. Could it be true? A woman leader? T'was laughable.

"So, the MacGuins are running so short on fighting men they've decided to recruit the women too?" His brother smiled tightly. Wait- T'was the leader who drew his sword.

"You fought a lass?" Hearing the anger in his brother's voice, Lagan began to shift uncomfortably. Taking his silence as an answer, Tor had his brother by the throat in a flash. Slamming him against the wall he lowered his face, his eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.

"You killed a woman?"

Lagan's eyes widened. "Nay!" Tor relaxed his hold.

The mistreatment of women and children didn't sit well with him. He knew most men didn't see as he did but taking an unwilling woman or using your size and strength to threaten or harm the weak and innocent disgusted him. Women and children were to be protected not beaten or neglected. He expected no less from his men. Anyone caught doing otherwise was severely punished.

Suddenly, Tor leaned back in shock, staring at the other man as if he'd just grown two heads. "My God you were bested." Lagan shot him a warning glare. He shook his head in disbelief. "She was that good?" Lagan's eyes narrowed, "Nay I was taken by surprise."

"Hmm." Tor said, studying his face. "I can't remember the last time you were taken by surprise."

"It's been known to happen once or twice," Lagan said dryly. His father stepped forward and asked, "This lass, did you recognize her?"

Tor released his hand and stepped away from his brother. Walking to the decanter he poured himself a glass of whiskey as he listened to his brother's reply.

"Nay, but she had the MacGuin look; raven black hair, green eyes. I wouldn't doubt if she was the Black Parlan's daughter."

Magnus MacLeod quirked an eyebrow. "A daughter," he said "Well it can't be the Eldest one, she's engaged to James Douglas and I guarantee he's not allowing her to frolic across the countryside with a group of men."

Tormand stepped forward. "That leaves only one; his youngest daughter, Persais."

Magnus nodded his head. Rubbing his chin he replied, "Aye I've seen the lass. T'was years ago but I remember seeing a lass dressed as a lad at the peace meeting. It must have been her."

Tor searched his memory. He remembered a young lass dressed as a lad in the stables, feeding a foal an apple; But she had said her name was Heather. Nay it couldn't have been her, could it? The little minx who'd intrigued him so much he'd decided to steal a kiss, was Parlan MacGuin's daughter? She certainly didn't dress or act like a lady.

Tormand muttered an oath.

"So what's the plan?" Lagan asked.

Tor and his father both gave him a black scowl. He turned to his father, "We're going to have to do something."

Leaning forward Lagan added, "We'll look weak otherwise."

Magnus's glare was mutinous. "Of course we have to do something!" he shouted.

His father studied Lagan silently for a moment before answering, "You've done enough damage. You'll be staying here."

Turning to Tor he continued, "Take what men you need and scout the terrain. Choose a spot to work to your advantage and set a trap. Kill as many of those bastards as you can."

A slow smile spread across Tor's face; he would avenge his men, the MacGuin's would pay for what they'd done.

After choosing his men, Tormand didn't waste any time. Before the cock had crowed, he and his men were riding hard for MacGuin land.

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