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I sat down on a log where I met the indian girl. I knew it was stupid to think she would show up but I felt like coming out here. It was no longer than five minutes that I finally told myself I had to find game. I was about to get up when I heard rustling in the trees. I aimed my musket toward the patch when I saw two tall indians walk out. They both had long black hair that traveled to their waist but one had lots of feathers piled up on his head. That one looked a bit older than the other. He carried a tomahawk with a bow over his shoulder. I put my musket down and stood there looking at them. They didn't look like they wanted to hurt me but I was still careful.

"Hello my name is caleb. I don't want to cause any harm, I was just waiting for a girl like you." If they were anything like the indian girl then they probably couldn't understand me, but I had to tell them who I was. I wanted to tell the girl thank you for the corn she willingly gave up. "If you know the indian girl, can you please tell her I said thank you. My name is caleb. She gave me her food." Then did not answer for a while but eventually they did speak, surprisingly in English.

"I am Notāxeo'kome, chief of the Cheyenne." The one with the feathers said. "It is a nice to meet you Caleb. What has brought you to our territory?" He spoke slowly so I knew he didn't usually speak english, but I knew they didn't want to hurt me so I answered.

"Well, me and Pa moved here from Virginia. He said something about starting a new life and getting more land. It's crowded down there."

"So, your father is the head of your tribe?" He asked. At first i didn't understand what he was asking but then I realized that they live in tribes, unlike us.

"Ya I gess. He's the head of our family which kind of makes him the head of the 'tribe'." I guess that makes sense, he is my pa and I have to listen to him.

" If your father is the head then I should probably talk to him, and make our presence known. Where do you live?" I didn't really know if I should tell him that my pa would shoot them if he saw them so I just told them where I was staying at the time.

"Uh, we have a little camp started over there." I pointed through the trees to the opening. If you looked closely you could see the top of our hut. He stood taller trying to see it when I realized the indian girl was not with them. I wondered if they knew her. Then suddenly he started walking towards the clearing. I didn't want to be rude but pa would kill them.

"No! It's just, I don't think Pa would handle it too well if the Indian chief came up to our hut" I didn't really know what to say but they understood.

"I understand. There are some who would think of us as savages" One said. I hope they didn't think I was rude., but I was still wondering about the indian girl.

"Do you know the indian girl I met yesterday?" I asked them. Maybe there many tribes living around here. Maybe she didn't even tell them that she met me, like I never told pa.

"Yes, we know her. She is my daughter But didn't she just come this way?" The one with the feathers asked. She never came this way unless she came out before me.

"No, I haven't seen her since yesterday" I started getting worried for no reason. If they said she came out before and I didn't see her, where is she? What if pa found her? I could tell they were both thinking the same thing. That's what made me feel even worse.

THE NATIVE WAR SERIES BOOK TWO - CALEB'S STORYWhere stories live. Discover now