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We finally made it to the mountains. Pa said we are at Grand Teton, but all I notice are the mountains. They ain't like anything I've ever seen. They are more purple than I thought and I believe that is snow on top because it's white, but I haven't ate anything for 3 days now. We have been struggling, these past few weeks. Pa brought food back with a horse, but that was gone a couple weeks ago. We have been living off whatever we had found and I helped Pa with the hunting. My little sisters hang around Mary and they always keep positive thoughts, but Pa is stressed. You can see the worry in his eyes and he's got stress lines on his forehead.

We have no shelter so Pa said that I should find some large sticks and build a hut. He is staying with Mary and the girls to teach them to build a fire. The tall grass was itchy but I make it into the woods. I believe I heard something. It was possibly a crack of a stick. I turn around and don't see anything. I keep on going and find a good size stick,. I pick it up and I here someone jump out behind me.

"Tósa'e néhéstahe?", It's an indian. My Pa always told me never to speak with them. But this was a girl, maybe about my age. She has long black hair and she looks determined. It would be rude to ignore her, but she does have a bow, pointing at my chest, ready to fire. I couldn't understand her, so maybe she will leave me alone.

".Tósa'e néhéstahe?", She yelled louder. I don't know what to do, if I say something she won't understand me, if I run she will shoot me. I put the stick down and in my most fluent western caucasian accent, I speak.

"My name is Caleb. I came here with my family and came out to the woods to get some wood. I don't understand you so you probably can't understand me, but please don't kill me." I really hope she doesn't do anything harsh. My heart is pounding, I'm afraid she can hear it. Instead she puts her bow down and she looks confused. Again she speaks but I can't make out the words.

"Nétsėhésenėstseh?" she says. I look at her and just stare, hoping she will magically speak English. I hold up my hands showing that I don't want any harm. 

That is when I notice she is carrying a large ear of corn in her satchel. I point to the corn, hoping she understands that I'm starving. I plead with my eyes, maybe she will give it to me. She doesn't do anything for a while, but then she reached into the bag and pulled it out. My stomach growled so loud, I thought it was an avalanche. I haven't seen food in 3 days

"Néháeanahe?." She speaks again but all I can think about is the delicious taste of food falling into my mouth and traveling into the bottomless pit that is my stomach. She held out the corn and it took all of my movements not to jump out and take it from her. I slowly grabbed it and took a small bite, knowing I should save it for my family. I make my most thankful face and walk away, after I pick up my stick..

THE NATIVE WAR SERIES BOOK TWO - CALEB'S STORYWhere stories live. Discover now