Chapter 12

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Im soo sorry about the late update! This is the last chapter for this book. Im sorry Im to busy with school an other books but I wanna thank all my fans for reading this series an this will be the last of Jewel An Q :)

~A Year Later~

Today was my big day. I was getting married while being 7 months pregnant. This time I was having a boy. We was naming him Jaquan after his father. I was nervous as hell. Just knwoing the fact that I will be marrying the love of my life today. We've been thru hell and back. Im just shocked that we've made it this far.

"Mommy pretty" Ariel says to Heaven.

"Mommy is gorgeous" she says kissing me on the cheek. ''Stop crying" Heaven says.

"I cant believe this is it" I say looking at myself in the mirror.

"Well its it" Heaven says smiling at me she was holding back her tears too.

"Auntie Heaven why you crying?" Ariel asks. For an 1 year old she talks really good.

"Me and mommy is happy" she says.

"I Happy too" she says smiling looking just like her dad.

"Well its time for us to go an sit.. well lemme get her situated with your mom. See you in 10" Heaven says hugging me. I nod my head an try to wave off all my nervousness. 

"Ready baby girl?" My dad asks while getting ready to walk me down the aisle.

"Daddy Im grown women now" I say smiling.

"You're my beautiful grown daughter" he says kissing my cheeks. We hear the piano going signaling us its time for us to walk down. My father wraps his arms around mine an we bein walking. The church was filled with people. I look up to see Q. He looks scared. But he's smiling. Matthew was his best man. Camaras are flashing everywhere. When we make it to the podium my dad kisses me on the cheek.


"You may now kiss the bride" he says. Jaquan lifts up the face of my my dress an pulls me in for a kiss. We peck at first then we both dig in.

"YOU GO GIRL!!" I Hear the audience screams! Me and Jaquan are both smiling.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I say.

"Mommy daddy!" Ariel says coming up with Quan.

"This is my beautiful family" he says. An he was right. Nothing could go wrong now and I mean nothing. We were a picture perfect family an no one was going to stop that 

The End :)

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