The Real Eleanor

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You know those moments in life where you just want to stay like that forever? Where time seems frozen? Well...

This is not one of those moments. I was currently cramped in the back of a Taxi with Eleanor, Kari, and Harry. Harry and I were on complete opposite sides, him beside Kira, who was beside El, who was beside me. "Why did he have to come?" Kira finally asked. "Because he's my best friend. Why'd you have to get me at 8 at night?" I snapped back. Kira picked at her nails in a rather unprofessional manner. "Because Eleanor found an apartment and was telling me you weren't answering your phone." "I was busy!" "Doing?" "That's none of your damn business," I replied icily. Kira's blue eyes hardened as she looked over Eleanor to me. "I would appreciate you being nicer since I have your career planned to perfection!" "Perfect hell," Harry muttered. I knew he was pissed because we were interrupted by them. We weren't too busy really. After a bit of snogging, Harry and I unpacked his bit of bags and we then talked about ways to get me out of the contract. I pulled out my phone and tilted it away from Eleanor.

I'm so sorry. :( We'll find a way to stop this. Xx Lou

Thankfully, Harry was turned away from Kira as best as possible. He was quick wit his reply.

Don't worry. All we need is to get Eleanor to sign the release. Xx Harry

That could take ages, Harry. :(

Xx Lou

Just have faith in me. I'll find a way to talk her into it. Xx Harry

Promise? Xx Lou

I felt horrid making him promise something he may not be able to keep, but he didn't respond with "Promise".

I'll do my best... Lou? Xx Harry

Yeah? Xx Lou

My heart fluttered at his reply. I grinned, blushing.

I love you. Xx Harry

"Louis?" Eleanor said sharply beside me. "Yeah?" I asked as calmly as possible. "Who are you texting?" "Nobody, nosy." My full, true feeling for Eleanor have always been kept up. Behind that tiny sliver love was tons and tons of hatred. Not for Eleanor personal. But because of her, I have hurt Harry so much. I've been so caught up in her that I've never noticed who I was truly in love with- the person always on my side. I share a flat with him, slept in bed with him. He confided in me as I with him. Nightmares were forgotten thanks to Harry. I've experienced so many new and different things with him. Things I've never thought possible. I would give up anything and everything to be in bed with Harry right now, proving to him just how thankful I am that he is apart of my crazy, ridiculous, unbelievable life. Immediately, my mind spiraled into thoughts of Harry, of his body, of his lips. I tried to pull out of it, I really did. But I glanced over to see Harry in the angry state he is, thumbing through his phone, an annoyed expression on his beautiful face and my heart fluttered yet again. It begin to race as we locked eyes. His expression immediately softened and he offered a smile. "You should pay more attention to me. You're so lucky I even signed that dam contract and saved your image," Eleanor sneered suddenly. I leaned back and looked at her, at her hazel eyes, which were livid. "You're such an arse, Louis Tomlinson," she quipped. "And you're a bitch," Harry retorted, causing 3 pairs of eyes to flicker in his direction. "Excuse me?" El barked. "You heard me, bitch. Now quite trying to guilt Louis out because it won't work," he fired at her. She shifted, which rendered me to immobility, and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you butting into this? If you would get out if Louis's arse for a bit, he'll loosen up to this contract and just move in without a fight. But, no! Harry has to be in it and-" "If it wasn't for me, you would have no idea who Louis is besides his name in the papers!" Harry interrupted, anger building up in him once again. Kira finally spoke up. "Why don't we all calm down? Eleanor, Harry and Louis are best mates and we're going to have to accept that just as Harry," she said, turning to the lad, "Needs to accept that Louis is growing up and eventually, when Louis is a solo artist, they will not be able to be together all the time, maybe ever." But instead of solving it, she made matters worse. I opened the Taxi door and busted out. Why did I even agree to come in the first place? Harry and I were perfectly fine at home. Home. I rushed to the sidewalk, ignoring Eleanor's calls. She rushed towards me, but I turned down an ally and she scurried past. My phone rang one of Harry's lines in "Midnight Memories", his new ringtone. In my blunt opinion, his voice in that line turned me on. I answered him immediately. "Where are you?" "An ally next to the barber's." "On my way." I hung up after he did and waited. Harry appeared, seeming to stroll casually, before turning into the ally. My phone rang again, "Just Can't Let Her Go" ringing softly though the stone corridor. Eleanor. Harry stood beside me in silence as I answered. "I'll come with you to see it in the morning, El," I breathed. "Where are you?" "Somewhere." "He's with you." Not a question, a statement. "So?" "Why are you so attached to him? He's your best lad, if you need him he's a call away. Why can't you just talk to me? Why don't you trust me?" Trust. There was so much in that word. I hung up on her. Trust was Harry's word. That was something between him and I. Not Eleanor. I grabbed Harry's wrists, dropping my phone to the ground. I heard a crack of breaking glass, but ignored it, tugging him towards me and slamming our lips together. The streets were bustling, so I pulled him deeper into the dark ally. He was obviously surprised, but he was quick to comfort me by returning the kiss as he rubbed my cheek with the pad of his thumb. Of course, we were in an ally, so I couldn't take it to far. Just when I was going to pull away, Harry pushed me against the wall, lips hungrily attaching to my neck. This was different than the first two bits of snogging, this one wasn't as gentle, it was rough. You'd think, being a guy, kissing a guy would be horrific, along with the fact that he was grinding his hips into me, but for me, it was perfect.


I angrily opened the door to the new flat, wishing I was at home in bed with Harry, snuggled back into his warm chest. But, no, I had to be here at 6 in the damn morning. "Thanks for coming early," Eleanor said when her eyes met mine. She was sitting neatly on the floor, unpacking a few photos. I told her last night that we would get this flat even if I hadn't seen it, because she loved it. But I really just didn't feel like trying to talk about getting her to sign the release contract. Guilt build inside me at the sight of her. Her hair was messily pile I top of her head and she had on yoga pants, a tee, and her feet were bare. But her eyes... They were red an bloodshot. She had cried. Probably cried herself to sleep... I sighed and moved beside her, grabbing her hands and sitting. "Eleanor, listen to me." She looked away, red in the face. "Look, love... I love you. I really do, but not as my as I should. I love you as a best friend, in a sisterly way. I do trust you, I promise. But you and I argue too much. We've never had a proper conversation, it's always arguing and anger." I felt a little better, opening up to El. She really was a good person, even if she had bitch-worthy moments. Who doesn't? She sighed heavily, pulling her hands away. "You have no choice, Louis. I'm not releasing you. I- I need you," she said helplessly. "I need Harry." There was silence. A tear ran down her face and my stomach clenched horridly. Poor lass... I wiped it away hurriedly, a frown etching onto my face. "You love him," she said shakily. "In a horribly wrong way, yes," I answered. She smiled weakly. "I knew it. I didn't know it was Harry, but I knew it wasn't me you wanted," she admitted, taking my hand again. "I love you. But I love Harry more." She nodded in understanding and I finally realized why I was with Eleanor in the first place. She's change over the years, but right now she was the little Eleanor I first met, understanding and selfless. That's the Eleanor I've always loved. But this was just at this moment. She would return to cold Eleanor eventually. I brought my lips to the corner of hers, kissing her lightly. "I love you, Louis. So I'll sign the release," she said, smiling in a weak manor. I returned it, shaking my head. "You have no idea how much that means to me," I said, letting out a breath of relief. She nodded and stood up, pulling away. I got to my feet as well, glad to be able to go back home to Harry. "I'll meet you tomorrow for the signing, yeah?" I asked. She nodded once. "Keep your head up, El," I said softly, gripping her shoulder before leaving back to my home. To my Harry.

Yay. 3 more chapters left before I begin the sequel, Just Four Letters. (: Happy Valentine's Day. And ps, I love you little eggplant 😜😘 -The Writer

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