Bloody Mirrors

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"I'm jealous, Louis. I'm crazy jealous."

The words Harry had just said to me sent me over the edge, begging for me explanation. Jealous? I lean close to him, my lips touching his ear as I ask a question I know the answer to. "Who are you jealous of?" "Eleanor. I'm jealous of her," he answers quickly. "So you have... Feelings?" I stumble over my words. It's just that... I'm so confused, yet intrigued. "Fuck. I don't know!" Harry hissed, running his longs fingers through his mop of curls. "How can you not know how you feel, Harry?!" The words tumble from my lips. I didn't mean to be so straight forward but...

I'm jealous, Louis. I'm crazy jealous.

"I'm sorry," Harry whimpers, his green eyes widening. "You're... You're sorry? For what?" "For saying this. I don't mean it," he mumbles, pulling away from me. "Harry..." "I'll be seeing you," he says abruptly, stepping out and disappearing into the heavy snow.


I'm positive I want this to happen. I lift my hand and slam it into the mirror. Shards if glass penetrate the skin of my fingers and I wince in pain. But it felt right. The broken pieces of glass that litter the floor were slowly glistening as red drops crashed onto the mirrored tiles. I can't believe that just happened. "Louis?" The desperation in his voice makes me flinch visibly, like my whole body literally twitches. "Please don't come back here, Harry," I beg, but he ignores me. "I'm sorry we fought! But I can't- Oh my God. Louis," he hisses, rushing towards me and taking my bloody fist in his hand. "Let's get you to the hospital," he insisted, tugging desperately at my uninjured hand. "No," I state firmly, snatching away from him. Hurt clouds his eyes, but I look away. "Don't play games with me," I whisper, brushing my finger along Harry's cheek. He stares at me, surprised. "Can we please go to the hospital?" He finally breathes the silence with the most outrageous question ever. Like, dude. I'm going to shove a carrot down your bloody throat. I hope he chokes, but then again, I can't survive without Harry. God... I can't even... I shutter at the thought of loosing him. I take off towards the front door anyways, ignoring the other words creeping into my brain, and cradling my mangled hand.


Yeah, I don't normally post author's notes. But I want to say merry Christmas and happy New Year, even though this is late an early post. A friend of mine has talked to me. She hates New Years'! Can you believe it? She says every year turns out the same. Ha. Anyways, I also want to say sorry that the updates are so late, but you have no idea how much I strive to keep everything in order.

-The Writer

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