Carrot Thief

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"Harry?!" I yelled, chasing after my curly-headed friend. He swung the bag of carrots in his hands, a broad grin on his face, as he ran through the kitchen. The bag caught on the counter and ripped open. I widened my eyes as ALL the bloody carrots fell to the floor. Harry's green eyes widened. "Louis..." He looked up at me an I felt my face heat up. I know what you're thinking. It's just carrots. Except it's not. It's CARROTS. I love them. I would marry them. Carrots are like perfection, as I am. I lunged at Harry and tackled him to the floor. He poked out his bottom lip as I looked down at him. I felt an odd temptation to bite it. Yes, that's weird. (At this point I had no idea I was gay. Keep that in your pretty heads.) So in order to avoid this, I lifted myself off Harry. He groaned as I pushed myself up. I sighed and stuck out my hand, helping up the lad. "I just bought those. Go get me more," I ordered. He ran his fingers through his curly hair. "But-" I stuck out my hand. "Styles, now," I warned. He groaned yet again and left the flat. I smiled as he left.


I bit into another carrot. Finally. Harry threw a pillow at me. "That took 2 hours. They were out of stock!" he whined. Niall looked up at us. "You complain too much, Harry," he interrupted, raising his brown eyebrows. Liam laughed and shook his head. Everyone knew Niall complained the most. Even Niall knew it. "Yeah, mate... You just complained about him complaining," Zayn pointed out. I chuckled as Niall scoffed and crossed his arms. My phone buzzed in my lap. I picked it up and answered. "Hello?" I paused, waiting. "Hellooo?" "Louis?" "Eleanor?" Harry groaned. "I'm leaving!" he announced. "Is that Harry? I thought you said you were busy," she complained. Oh, kill me now. Complain. Complain. Complain. Worse than Niall. I loved her, yes. But bloody hell. "Yes, I'm busy with the guys, love," I responded to my girlfriend. "You're in a band with them, Lou." The next few moments were silence. "Louis?!" "I'm still here." "You better be here in 30 minutes!" she snapped. I groaned and got up. "What?" "Yes, love." I hung up and said goodbye to my mates before leaving to go see my... Girlfriend.


Chapter is crap. I can't write. But this idea was all of a sudden.

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