~Chapter 25~

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Pewds's POV
I walk out of school behind Steve as we make our way to his car, I'm so nervous my hands start sweating and it becomes noticeable,

"Woah you really don't look well Felix, come on we'll get you some medicine and you can watch TV when we get to the tower" Steve says placing his hand on my head feeling my temperature, I nod slowly and gulp as we get closer and closer to the car, when we reach it my heartbeats even faster as I see the mess of brown curls in the front seat, I'm not surprised if Steve could hear my heart beating, he opens the car door for me I thank him and I hesitantly get in side and Steve shuts the door after me and climbs into the drives seat and starts the engine, I look out the window as our school fades into the distance, I sigh slightly and look ahead of me

"So, Felix is sick but what's wrong with you Cry?" Steve asks concerned, he doesn't answer nor move a muscle, I can't see his face with that stupid mask,

"Come on Cry, what happened buddy?" Steve tries again, but it's no use, he still just sits there and continues to look out the window,

"Felix" I jump at the sound of my name

"Do you know what's wrong with him?, Peter said something happened at lunch, do you know what happened?" He asks glancing at me through the mirror, I gulp

"I- ah-I can't say I do, I-I was getting my lunch and was ah talking-to someone" I say lying, suddenly I hear Cry scoff and I frown looking down at my hands, Steve looks at me cautiously, he probably knows I'm lying.

Finally we arrive at the tower, I unbuckle my belt and exit the car, Cry and Steve do the same only Cry was there one second and gone the next, he ran with his super speed into the tower only leaving a gush of wind behind, I sigh and walk into the tower with Steve, we reach the penthouse only to be met by Tony,

"What the hell's up with Cry?" He asks, he must have seen, or at least seen the blur of him,

"I don't know he won't tell me" Steve says worriedly, I try and sneak away with out then noticing until,

"Stop right there" shit,

"Ok Felix what happened?" Tony asks seriously, I gulp

"I-I ah I don't know" I stutter, he gave me a 'really' look and I sigh and look down, no point in hiding it, they're going to find out eventually,

"It's my fault" I whisper,

"What?" Steve asks confused, I feel tears well up in my eyes,

"It's my fault" I say so they can hear, they look at me confused

"What is?" Steve asks, I sigh and wipe away some tears

"That Cry's like this, it's all my fault, I should have listened to him, I shouldn't have said those things, I should have known he was only trying to help" I say tears now streaming down my face, I suddenly feel myself being pulled into a hug by Steve

"Shh it's ok Felix just tell us what happened, and we'll try our best to help" he says calmly which calms my down, I pull out of the hug and nod wiping the tears away

"And then the teacher sent me home" I finish Tony is pacing back and fourth and Steve just sits there taking it all in,

"Well Felix, you really should have listened to Cry and the others" Steve says calmly,

"Damn right he should have" Tony says causing me to frown

"Tony!" Steve warns him,

"Chase, he's not a friend, do you remember Loki?" Asks Steve

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now