Courage and Fools

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The sun was fading over the bare branches of the trees as the tired warrior made her final approach to the castle. The journey had not been an easy one and she had encountered more monsters than she had anticipated, the mud and dirt smeared on her clothes just evidence of how many time she’d found herself on the ground. There was a deep cut on her cheek that stung and underneath her clothes there laid a number of purple contusions that existed as a reminder of her mortal life.

It was hardly the style in which she had planned on arriving at Sullivan’s menacing home, but that was something she couldn’t alter now. She was so close, the tall towers looming just a mile ahead. She fought back her emotions, her raw anger and her desire for revenge. Aleka needed to be calm and prepared if Sullivan was to buy her plan. The slightest hint of a slip up would ruin everything, and she had no back up this time to distract Sullivan’s minions. This time, she was on her own.

His castle was in no way like the one she had found so homely in the last few months. It towered darkly above them, dead ivy clinging to the dark, sticky stone. Aleka could’ve sworn that the smell of blood tickled her nostrils as she eased her slender form through the rusted iron gates that wouldn’t budge, even with all her strength pushing them.

A chill travelled through her body as she stood, properly for the first time, in Sullivan’s home. The place gave her more than the creeps and with each slow step she took towards the tall doors she remembered why this was such a bad idea.

He wanted her dead.


Darien had died here.


There was no one to help her.


She couldn’t run.


The door leered over her and the small warrior had never felt so meek in her life. She lifted the stiff knocker with both hands and dropped it quickly, her arms relieved to see it swing away. The ‘clang’ echoed and the crows nesting above the giant archway of the house squawked and took to the dark, ominous skies.

What passed felt like eternity to a mortal, but was mere seconds for someone who actually lived to see forever. The door was forced open and a sneering vampire offspring looked down at her, licking his fangs threateningly.

“I’m here to speak to Sullivan about what he offered me the last time I saw him.” She kept her voice strong, her stance tight, refusing to surrender to his hungry gaze.

“Or I could just kill you. I think that sounds better.” He snarled.

“Yes, but I’m more likely to kill you. Just because I’m choosing to side with Sullivan doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do it.”

His eyes widened at her apt choice of words and he ushered her inside, guiding her quickly through the corridors towards the throne room.

There was the stench of human flesh everywhere this time and screams resonated from deep within the castle walls. Eyes were fixed on her as she walked with her head held high and her eyes looking straight. She needed to sell this, to show her lack of fear to those who did his bidding before she faced him.

Sullivan stood before his throne, his eyes on the doors as they opened. He had smelt her blood the moment she had stepped inside his walls this time, but her reason for being here remained unknown to him until he had the chance to ask her. She clearly hadn’t come in a fancy dress and the blood drying on her cheek caused his fangs to appear.

She really did have the sweetest blood and once she gave herself over to him and he drank from her, he would be unstoppable.

“To what do I owe this pleasure, warrior.” He asked, dismissing his servant before he even followed her into the large room.

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