Make-Believe and Truths

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Lilia walked into the library and bumped into the tall vampire as he closed up the small room hidden in the shadows.

“What just happened?” She asked, folding her arms and staring expectantly.

“She found the prophecy.”


“And nothing. She read it, made her own assumptions and I let her keep them for now.” Tristan stared unblinking at the blonde witch.

“Then why did she run from the room?”

“She’s got fresh blood on her. It’s unbearably sweet to the vampire senses.” Tristan explained, looking away momentarily.

“Did you-“

“No. I have much more self-control than you believe Lilia.”

Lilia nodded and leaned back on a dark mahogany table. Kaleb walked in the room, looking puzzled. “What’s with the gathering?” He asked, joining his other two companions.

“Aleka has read the prophecy.” Lilia said simply, looking down at the floor.

“Ah, so what now?” Kaleb looked between the two, waiting for an answer.

Kaleb focused on the defence of the castle and the rebellion members. It was never his forte to plan and act on instinct when the unforeseeable happened in the castle. He blinked and looked between them both.

“You’re both scarily sombre. What is it?”

“You know what the prophecy entails Kaleb. Aleka read it of her own accord, although how she found it and this room is unknown to me.” Tristan said, circling the table as he tried to think of possible situations.

“It’s clear enough. She’s the prophecy.” Lilia said, shrugging lightly.

“We know that. ‘The arrival of two’.” Kaleb pointed out, flicking his dark hair from his brown eyes.

“No. The rest of the prophecy.” Lilia’s eyes fell on Tristan; the older vampire. He froze and looked back at her before forcing his eyes away to walk some more. He couldn’t stand still when he was thinking, never had been able to.

“You mean the murder?” Kaleb was more than confused now. He was relatively new to being a vampire and to this realm. The prophecy and other such magic baffled him and he was a long way off from being able to understand it fully like the other two.

“The prophecy is much darker than it seems Kaleb. It’s not as hopeful as we make it out to be when communicating with the rest of the rebellion.”

“The murder...?” Kaleb’s eyes widened and he shook his head, wishing that Lilia wouldn’t nod her head at his wild guess.

But she did.

“Sullivan is known for his passion and he’s never let anyone who has attacked him survive.” She added painfully.

“But Aleka is a warrior! She’s one of the strongest there has ever been, I can tell even from that first training session.” Kaleb shook his head faster; refusing to believe what had been said.

“And Sullivan gets stronger with every day he lives.” Tristan said darkly, his hatred for the vampire Lord evident in his tone.

“But that can’t be how this ends...” Kaleb’s voice was barely a whisper and his shoulders slumped, already feeling defeated.

“Maybe we read the prophecy wrong. Maybe it’s something else, but either way, we can’t let the prophecy control us. It’s just one small part of this war and it may not be the deciding factor in the end.” Lilia said, attempting to restore hope to herself and her comrades.

“We better hope that’s the case.” Tristan said before leaving the room in a hastily fashion.

Kaleb nodded and followed him out, but Lilia stared long and hard at the locked door.

“This time, it’s really not going to end the way everyone thinks.” She said, knowing the reality of what would happen, but being unable to say it aloud to the others.

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