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I have these two book ideas but idk which one to choose from. I have an idea for a book called Sold and another called Snatched.
Description for both books:
Sold: Onika Tanya Maraj just turned 20 years old, at the age of 16 her mother and father begin to become abusive and sold her to Daddy Corporations. Daddy Corporations is a company for people who are into DDLG or any type of kink.
Snatched: Onika also known as Nicki never knew her parents. She was dropped off at a orphanage as a baby and the people there never payed attention to her and never knew if she was home or not. One day while walking home from school she was kidnapped and sold. This is her story.
     Also, I'm not going to update for a while because it's that time of the month and I'm irritated. I will give y'all one update today tho since I haven't updated in a while.

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