The Ritual and Fate has her Fun

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When Harry next woke he was being nudged by Clair to get up, then he was explained to how the ritual worked. As they prepared the ritual circles Harry was asked to see if their was any thing else they may need to take from the vaults. Harry was looking in the Potter vault and Fate being how she is decided to have Harry discover a very important room, and so Harry was drawn to a room that said "other." Harty walked into the room to find many specific tool kits their was one for stuffed animal making, perfume, clothes, etc. Harry found himself taking them for reasons not known to him at this moment and time.
In another universe
Fate decided that she was going to have her way with this situation and she began to make the vaults that belonged to her wayward children into necklaces. She would leave a note for the Goblins and a note for Harry and her other children for when they got there. She changed the money into normal money and left the gold for the goblins. Then she was on to her next task which was to put a deaging circle set for the humans and horses only into the twins and Luna's mind and make it seem like it was part of the original sketch.
Back with Harry as he came back for the ritual
Harry was sitting with Nick and Clair as Luna and the twins made the final adjustments to the circle which was twice the size of the Goblins ritual room. When they had the horses in the circle and their other companions in as well with their never ending bags as well they stepped into the circle. Hedwig was on Harry's shoulder as they started, Luna had a cup with a drop of blood from all their companions and poured  it into the center of the circle and the magic surged out and knocked them all unconscious.
Fate's universe again
Fate had forgotten to do one thing and now she was trying to set all the records up so it would be as if the other people she was sending to the other universe with her wayward children. She could not wait for these people to be brought to justice. It so happened that at the same time as her wayward children activated the circle miles away in Little Whinging, Surrey number 4 Privet Drive the Dursleys also disappeared.

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