Arriving in our Siblings World

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The war had just been won and ended by the Gundam Pilots, and they were finally settling down. Lady Une had given the pilots jobs at the newly formed Preventers, and last but not least Relena Peacecraft had implemented the FRA which also stood for Family Restoration Act, but for now back to Fates wayward children.
In a forest
When Harry awoke he could only describe himself as a child maybe six years of age. When he looked around Fred and George were just waking up and looked to be ten years of age, while Luna looked five. ( just go with it the ages will make sense sooner or later) Harry could feel the child like tendency to cry rise up and had no idea why, so he took the initiative to cry and fell asleep from emotional exhaustion. Fred and George were talking before they heard Harry start to cry and walked up to him and Fred picked him up while George got Luna. The two younger children had gone back to sleep and Fred and George got out their portable tent and walked in after setting it up with the other two children in their arms. After tucking them in Fred and George looked through the many bags and found the stuffed animal kit Harry had put in the bag. The twins set to work making a stuffed animal for Harry and Luna, when the finished Harry's was Padfoot and Luna's​ was a Thestral. After giving them to their respective person they got into their shared bed and went to sleep, when they next awoke Harry was sleeping next to Fred with Padfoot in his hands while Luna was the same next to George. The twins got up and went to make breakfast for Harry and Luna and contrary to popular belief they could cook.
Preventers Headquarters
It could be said that Sally Po was not having a good day, why you may ask well a certain group of pilots were giving her trouble. She had just managed to catch Duo and brought him in to get blood drawn for the FRA system, the problem how ever is that the moment she let Duo go he would tell the others before she could get to them so she had to improvise. She had just called Lady Une and asked her if she could send the pilots to her office so they would not have a chance to tell the others about the FRA procedures. To her luck she said yes and so Duo was sent to Lady Une to wait. Now her next target was Wufei and he was simpler to get than the other three so he was caught with out a hitch and sent to Lady Une after. When Wufie got to Lady Une's office Duo looked at him and said, "she got you too?" Wufei only nodded and sat down both knowing why they were there and hoping the others had more luck than they had. Quatre was the next to be caught by Sally and it was her luck that Trowa was with him and so she brought both to her office and got their blood samples, then sent them to Lady Une. Heero was the hardest to find but after three hours of searching she finally found him and got his blood sample before sending him to Lady Une.
With Harry and company two months later
They had just finished eating and were looking at their clothes which looked like something a street child would wear only a little nicer. Harry stumbled upon a box of necklaces and a note explaining what they were, needless to say Harry was speechless then handed the note to the others. They had decided that Fred and George would go to the library to find out what they could and Harry and Luna would explore the nearly deserted park with the animal companions. About three hours later they went back to their area and saw Fred and George with a man and woman in uniform. Before they could react there twins walked to them and told them they were here to take them to the hospital and have their blood tested because they had no idea who their family was. The twins hoped they would find Harry and Luna's family through this process. The question was though would they want Fred and George as well only time will tell?

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