Exploring the Merlin Vault

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Animal speaking- hi I am Sam

When they arrived at the Merlin vault they could sense an air of mystery around the vault door. The door was gold and silver with the Hogwart's house symbols ingraived into it. Before they could continue to look at the door Griphook spoke, "to open the door you have to put your hand into the handpad and if it thinks you worthy it will open." Harry walked toward the door and put his hand on the pad and the moment he did he felt a pull into his mind where the presence began to look through his mind at his childhood and his time at Hogwarts. After some time the presence retreated from his mind and the door opened and Griphook said, "the door has found you worthy you may enter now along with your friends."
Harry and his friends walked in and we're greater with a sign that said what could be found in each direction before they really started to look around Harry told them that they could grab anything that they found interesting or that called to them. They began to walk around an found many books but nothing that really interested them that much, but they did pick up a few. Then they moved on to weapons room when they walked in they all gravitated to certain weapons Harry felt the pull first and went looking for what it was when he found it it looked to be a set of throwing daggers. Harry decided he would examine them later and kept looking, while Luna's magic pulled her to a display of bows and another display of what looked to be sample healing creams and books on how to make them as well as poisons. Luna decided to put the creams and books in the never-ending bag Harry had given them for items they may have found while exploring. Luna then went to the bows and started running her hands over them with her eyes closed to let her magic connect with the bow ment for her. She finally felt the connection and opened her eyes then took the bow and put it in her bag. Fred and George were having similar experience, but while Fred was pulled toward the swords, George was pulled towards the spears and staffs. Fred found a sword that could be taken apart to act as a double sword and George found a staff that had spear attachments.
The next room they came to looked like a forest with many preserved animals and creatures long though to be extinct. All the animals were in stasis with a sign that said what they were and a list of names that was self updating and did not just belong to the Merlin decedent's but all types of families for example the board had Draco Malfoy as a candidate for having one of Merlin's animals. So they looked at all the boards and their were many that had their name on it Harry looked at the boards first and the first he saw that said his name was an area for wolves the boards all said the same thing
hold out your hand and walk toward the animals your magic will lead you to the animal or animals that belong to you only take what belong to you or take none at all.
Harry let his magic led him through the area and as he walked further from the main area there were less and less animals, but that is when he saw where his magic was taking him in a small area surrounded by multi colored trees there were two wolves in the middle as he approached them his magic surrounded them and he and the wolf pups were brought together with an astounding force that knocked Harry and the others off their feet and in Harry's case knocked unconscious. Five minutes later Harry awoke and the wolf cubes were waking from their sleep and came toward Harry as puppies would and tried to get his attention when he touched them he could feel a connection forming between them. Harry Was very surprised when one of the cubes spoke and he could understand them, "you've come, hey Sam do you see this our human has finally come." "Yes I can see that Clair our human has come, and judging by their faces I would also say they can understand us as well." Sam looked at the others in the room and saw they did look like they understood. Then Harry spoke and said, "yes I can understand you, I don't know if the others can but I can." Fred spoke for the others, "yes Harry, we can understand them." Clair spoke again, "hey your taking us with you right?" Harry said, "no there is a reason why my magic has drawn me to you two, I will take you with me." So Sam and Clair walked next to Harry as they continued to follow their magic to their destined animal companions. Fred and George were the next to find one of their animals they were two tailed foxes as they stepped closer their magic snapped the bond into place and the foxes came running toward the twins. The foxes started to introduce themselves Fred's fox started first, "hello my name is Nick." The other started right after Nick saying, "and I'm Click." And so they continued and Luna found one of her animal companions she was walking towards the Hell Cats and then she found a kitten that could only be considered the runt of its litter as the bound snapped into place. Luna picked the kitten up and asked what its name was and the reply she got was, "my name is Ruby." Luna found her next companions in a pair of silver and gold colored squirrels that called themselves Fern and Mars. Harry found his shortly after Luna and it was a phoenix egg that was blue in color when he got close it hatched and the baby phoenix chirped at him wanting to be picked up. When he picked up the phoenix he heard it speaks in his mind, "my name is Storm." Fred walked up to Storm and said, "well it's nice to meet you Storm." As he said this they continued on their journey Clair was playing with Nick and Click while Sam was carrying Fern and Mars. Then Fred and George felt a pull on their magic and looked in the direction of snow leopard area when they approached their magic snapped a bond into place without them even realizing it. When they looked around they saw a pair of snow leopards cubs running toward them. When they stopped to introduce themselves Fred's went first, "I am Slate and I am Emerald," said the other right after. The last companion for the twins actually ended up being too different animals Fred's was a chipmunk named Uno and George's was a shape shifting bird that most of the time took the former of a song bird named Sky. What was there left to explore well how were they supposed to know the only thing Harry knew for sure was there was a music room beyond this rooms doors.

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