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Where was I right now?

Huh, only I knew. I didn't think anyone else cared much or even remembered me.

It was early morning of the next day. I had fallen asleep at some point of boredom, or from the peaceful quiet of being alone.

".....mh...." I slowly opened my eyes up feeling the warm sun glow through the coloured stain glass window, and beam down on me. As if trying to keep me alive, and from freezing to death in this winter chill. "...s-so...I'm alive huh....?" There I lay, down on my side against the floor , my head on the folded ends of my long jacket as a pillow, but alone nonetheless. My hair fell over my shoulder many ways, over my face, and eyes. Unkept now, and over grown from the usual since I started my life at Kazuma's home. "Tch, there is no way I'm going back, not without a fight."

I had a few idea of my own if it was possible to get my hands on it.

One: Buy a Katana to protect myself. Learn the way of the sword properly.

Two: Maybe...if I ever meet Gaku( My nickname to him) he could be my teacher.

Three: If confronted deal with the ways necessary.

They never seemed to have found me yet, but I stood up, and started to looked around the place. Somehow...hoping they could locate me. "Fftt..*I shivered at the cold* still cold." Some reason I even misplaced my hair elastic, aso I had no choice but to let it lay everywhere as wild as it came. I didn't even have a comb to adjust it. I made my way up the steps that led to the second floor of the place I stayed. Only to find that the second floor was sort of like a sun room. Warm form the sun, and happy. I could see down to the world outside from up here.

There was a table, with a cup, and sink up here. 'Maybe...I can find food...?' I asked myself. If I was going to head out soon, the best thing was to try, and eat something or at least heat up water, even if I had no tea. I am not useless I can live here.

"I can still fight." I said in a stern voice, aiming it at that man I loathed so much now.

Chained Doll Len Gakupo Kamui X Reader X Len Kagamie X Kaito VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now