♦♦🌹Madness of Duke Venomania🌹♦♦

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🌹*Click* I hear Kazuma's feet stop. He turned around, staring me dead in the eyes.🌹
"What was that?!" He glared at me. With his arms on his hips.

* Chhk!*

"Answer Me!" I winced, at the chain yanking at my throat.

"M-master. I swear I meant no harm....., I thought if I could just sit there it would be alright. He literally came from no where."( And that wasn't even a lie)

He just looked at me. Not happy....
I swallowed. Slowly kneeling on one leg, I looked up at him. He still held the chain in his hands. I looked up, my eyes sparkling. "Please.....give you're pet another chance....."

"!" I literally saw his face turn red. He averted his eyes suddenly, dropping the chain with a cling.
"Tch...get up."

I looked up, quickly standing. (..Yuk...and I had to do that....) That was beyond my limit of my personality. I felt soo stupid.

"I'm getting ice cream.....what flavour do you like.?" He kept his back to me as he spoke.
"...I like....chocolate....."

"Mhp....." He walked off, leaving me alone once again.

"....." I just stood there not sure of what to do. This time I was really feeling something. ( if.....I should run away............would that be okay?)
I opened up my hand, seeing the little pink flower in my hand. Feeling a chill run down my spine. My mind flashed images of that tall violet haired guy.

Before I knew it Kazuma returned with my chocolate ice cream. Everything was quiet, we left shortly after. However, there was one thing I missed to realize. A figure watched me leave from next to a tree. A breeze blew at the flowers once again.


"Okay ____ now that we are done with you're walk." (..Tch...I am not a pet..) I huffed, at his words.

"You are to work, cleaning these halls top to bottom. Then go to the library as well after."

"....." I gave a blank look. His violet eyes narrowed at me, making me feel like I was sinking into the ground.

"Mere da." ( I order you.) His voice was stern, his Japanese stung at my heart, the last word was what did it in for me, making me flinch. As he could sence my insulting behavour.

"Y-yes Master." I bowed. He walked off, with his violet eyes looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

" O...Chotto mhatte......!" ( Oh....not so fast...!"

"?" I turned on my heel, hearing Kazuma call to me.

"You are not to remove that chain, till you retire for the night." Then he left without another word. "Y-yes master..." I replied, seeing his body look elegant as he walked up the steps.

"...g-great........" I gripped the chain around my choker. He lied to me, I had to where it inside as well. Will I really live like this for the rest of my days?

I walked off into the wall, seeing another servant drop a broom, and duster down in the corner for me. She said nothing as she hurried away.
"..." ( Am I scary?...)

* Tap......tap....*I picked up the broom, and began to sweep everywhere on the floors.

Before I knew it, I had only the library left now. Walking over to the room, I accidently found earlier. Thanks for his good for nothing directions. * Crrrrreaak.....* I slowly opened up the door. I came to face with a well lit 3 floored room, full of books and god who knows what else.

Closing the door behind me.
I look up, only to be caught off guard. This place was already so clean.

"Fffft......honestly....making me clean a already perfect room." I strolled down the rows of books on the ground floor. Looking through each space, there was dust. However, every book was in order.

Just as I was about to reach over to a book. My eyes narrow onto my hands. "...." I had no duster.

I sigh, walking back down the million books row and head to the door. I must of forgoten it in the hall.

* Click.....*

"....." I poked my head out slowly, the hall was dark. "...." Trying to make this quick I looked at the ground, still clinging to the door, I looked left and right. ".....great...." I realized the duster was no where to be found. I couldn't just back off on my orders. Who knows what would happen if I dared to disobey his orders. ( Mere da...huh...? in my head....) I still couldn't take him seriously.

I took a deep breath and stepped out behind the protection of the lit room. These halls where dark. "......." ( Now...what...........where the hell am I going to find another duster? This is unbelevable.)

* Tap.............tap.............tap...........*
I walked down the barley lit halls. ".....is everyone alseep...?" I wondered. Did I really take that long, just to clean the halls.

Passing by a window, a bright flash cauhgt me of guard.

"!!!!!" I jumped in total fright.

( O...my god....) I breathed, realizing it was just a thunderstorm passing by. "Hehe......just relax....its just some light, atleast I can see now....."

* Tap...............tap............t- BANG!*

"!!!!!!!! " My eyes widen, as a loud crash of thunder burns into my ears. The chain swung violently from my neck. For a moment everything was sooo bright my eyes even hurt. It vanished as fast as it came, flooding me in total darkness once again.

* tremble.......tremble....* Chills crawled up and down my back. Like if spiders walked around.

* gulp...* ( COME ON!! I'm stronger than this!!! PFT!)

I gripped my palms and speed walked forward. Each time a crash of thunder came it lit up my path. The hair stood up on the back of my neck, this time I really felt like I was a animal, or more like a scared cat.

* CRASH!!!!*

" Kkkk!" I flinched, picking up my pase. I had to get away from the windows, they were too much for me.

* tap tap tap...* I lifted my feet as fast as I could. I was nearly at the end of the hall. My eyes glowed each time lightning struck.

I stopped reaching the top of the stairs. Sweat gathered down on my forehead. * Pant pant..*I breathed heavily. There where about 30 steps or more. It was a huge home after all. Looking down, my heart pulsed faster and faster. * T-thump thumpthumpthumpthump*

".....well I better go..."

Just as I took one step, a loud crash of thunder came down, with a blinding flash of lightning.


* Click!* I was blind, I saw nothing more then 1cm in front of me. I stepped wrong, there was no one to blame. Surly I knew I could die all because of this stupid moment. I fell down the steps with a loud crack.

* CRACK!* * SSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!* Thunder roared the second I touched down, with a bloody vision.


"................" I couldn't move. It hurt.....too much.

"H...h.............................................ngh....." I was face down, I could feel my warm blood spill all over the ground below me. (....I won't die hear......I promise.........) I breathed hard.

"H...guh......." I tried to move, lifting myself up. ".....look at me .....heh.....I have stained this floor with my blood........" I tried to smile, but seeing my own reflection would even make me feel sick. Knowing I smiled in the face of blood...

The thunderstorm seemed to stop, but I still struggle to stand.

"...Ngh....." I blinked seeing red, I was bleeding..............., blood seemed to flow over my right eye. Dying it a crimson colour.


* Tap tap tap tap*
"______....!" A voice cut my thoughts off.
"____...! just what on earth are you doing! You have order-s..." I weekly looked up, seeing the colour drain from Kazuma's face.

A light flash of thunder, lit the room up. I saw the horror in his eyes, as the spilt red came into view on the ground.

"Huu...Huhhh......______ what happened here..?" Kazuma stepped back a little.
"I...Nghhhh...! .....teeh..." I winced, trying to move.

"____!" Kazuma started to walk to me, in shock.

"Kuru na!" (Stay back!)I shout.

Kazuma froze. "..???____?"
"Don't come......I can handle this myself." I slowly pulled myself up, to my knees. Just as I sat on the ground. I saw my legs had blood on it. My hair dropped all over the place. "Tch...___ Let me help you!" Kazuma stepped forward.

"NO!" I hissed. He froze.

"I will do this my self." I swept back some of my fallen hair.
"A servant like me should learn to do it by their self." * Chh* My chain touched the ground.

"Why ___why? why won't you let me help!" Kazuma raised his voice.

"Because!...........I can't trust YOU....." I grabbed my chain in one palm, and slowly stood, wobbly but living.

"TCH.." Kazuma stepped toward me. " I will not Let MY SERvant DIE ON ME!"
"!!!!!" My eyes widen, seeing his violet eyes full of emotion.

"One who serves me can not be covered in blood." Kazuma reach over with both hands. Swiftly getting me off the ground, he began to carry me.
"........." I had no words left in me. I jut had to obey.

( If.....that man....saw me.......what would he say......seeing me look like this.....?)

*SSSSHTTTSH!!*Thunder crashed once again.

Chained Doll Len Gakupo Kamui X Reader X Len Kagamie X Kaito VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now