🌹Lies over scars 🌹

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The next morning I woke up feeling a little light headed. Every stupid little sound annoyed me like hell. It made my head pound. After asking a maid kindly if they had any painkillers. She kindly gave me one, to help me cover up my injuries. After I lied saying I had a head ache.

I was back on the job like nothing ever happened yesterday. I took every order master Kazuma said. I had a slight change in my attire for today.
I had to hide my bandages. I put on a heavy amount of make-up, to hid any signs of pain or such that would show at one point. I wore thigh high black stockings. A pare of Black short that had a small black ribbon on each leg at the side, that one could tie or leave it to float in the wind if I walked. On top I wore a long purple black sleeve, then over that was a floor length black, white and purple domino patterned coat, that was good for this fall weather and inside ware. Then to top it off, I had my black laced up boots that, fell just below my knees. Oh, did I mention it was painful as hell, to put on boots over my bandaged legs. I was glad for those painkillers, but sadly they will ware off after a while, and when that happens. I will fall into horror pain once again.

Till then I tried to smile, and be light-hearted.

* Ding..!*

I looked up seeing the bell ring on the kitchen wall. " Oh , looks like I'm needed in the living room." I left my post and walked to the living room.

I opened the door. "Yes, master what is you need?" I bowed my head a little.
He held up his large golden trimmed tea cup in the air to the side. With his face still glued to his book. "My tea is empty........."

I almost giggled. ( His tea is empty haha... more like tea cup... or his tea is missing.)
Understanding, I gently grabbed the cup from his lazy hands. Only to realize the second I pulled the cup away, his fingers slipped over my hand.
"..mhp....you're cold..." He breathed still looking down.

"!" I stiffen, pulling back a little." I'm fine master, do not worry you're self over me." I leave quickly.
After I left Kazuma sat in his chair, his eyes now focused up. It was like he was lost deep in thought.

( What am I thinking.!! I shouldn't even be near him. I need to get his refill and that is it)

After that I returned to him, I gave him his tea. ".......how is it you are able to stand........." It wasn't a question more like a request like.' Please tell me.'

I flinched, but still held a calm position. " I slept well." I replied.
"...Don't lie to me, you where covered in blood last night, yet you walk like nothing happened." ( C-crap.......) I cursed to myself.

" I'm fine, fine enough to work. Is it not my job to serve you. Then let me.." I replied a little harsh.

"Mhp...fine......go to sleep early today." That was all he said. I slowly backed out and found my place in the hallway once again.
Taking this moment, I quickly went to the bathroom. Entering the room. I stood in front of the mirror. My eyes snapped down to my choker. ( I didn't put the chain on it today. I hopped I could get away with it because........) I reached up slowly undoing the leather band, revealing the deep red marks on my neck. Yes, that was all because of him.......Kazuma. He damaged my neck from pulling to hard. I never wanted anyone to see those marks. So I kept the chocker on all the time. As for the chain, it was too heavy for my neck with the half healed cuts withstand. They yanked on it down hard which could even make it bleed once again if I dared put it on. If worse came to worse and I had to ware the chain. I would clip it on, and tie the other end to my shirt under on a higher position to keep it from pulling down.

I left the bathroom after putting it back on, keeping to my duties for the rest of the day.

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