🎶Love is War✨

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* Tap.....tap.... tap...*

I exited the concert hall, feeling out of place, and tired. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for Len, Kaito, and Gakupo, but I felt out of place there.

"..💨....ha.......( So sleepy.....)" I walked closer, and closer down the dark pathway home.
My head leaned to the left, and then the right.

Just as I was about to yawn a voice in the shadows caught me off guard.

"So, this is where you are."

I felt my blood freeze. ( Something is wrong) I could tell by this voice. I began to walk faster, trying to leave the person behind in the dust. However, I could here the voice of the man come closer.

( Tch, this is bad)

I was alone, no one to help me. Just as I was about to bold away, a strong hand grabbed me hard, and pulled me back.

"!! Mh.!"

"Heh...got you." I shock I turned my head to see, a man dressed in black, with piercing blue eyes looking back down at me.

(Wait..! don't tell me)

"Master, Kazuma ordered me to come get you. He has been questioning why you have left." Before I could finish, I felt cold fingers touch my neck.

"❗❗" Yes, my neck that was torn raw by my last choker, and chain. "I hate to do this, but its master Kazuma's mere( orders)."

* Ching~* Something heavy, and cold wrapped around my neck. Making me flinch. I wanna to run away, so I dug my heels in the ground, and took a step forward.

"A!ah.. no you don't." * CHING!*

"G-...!* I was yanked back*"

" Tch...* I glared at the man, having so many words of anger in my head*"

"No...your no going to..!"

*SLAP* My hand came in contact with his face, as I grabbed the chain from his, hand and ran.
* THUMP THUMPTHUMPTHUMP* "💨💦Ha ha! ha.." I breathed hard, as I ran for my life. Only to here the man swear at me from behind.

Tears stung my eyes, while my neck, and palm burned. I was chained once again, by a choker literally made from chains, and some leather. No matter how I tried to take it off as I ran it would dig into my opening old wounds.

"Ngh..!" I kept running, and running. I ran all the way to the city streets. Pulling my jacket's collar over my neck to hide the chain, I walked into a near by cafe.

The nights where still a little cold, but this was to be the last night of cold weather, as summer starting coming in.

Right as I stepped in I was greeted by the cafe owner. I sat down in a soft chair to relax, while my warm green tea was brought to me with a strawberry, and chocolate macaroon.

"Arigato." I thanked the waiter. He smiled at me like a angel, but he... didn't know that I was being hunted.

(...Len... Gakup, Kaito...Urushite.( forgive me) Watashi wa honto ni inu desu( I really am a dog), at Kazuma's feet.)

I could just picture Len's worried face. It stung, but I had to hide. (


After finishing their mini concert, the three guys went back stage. Only to see I was no where.

"Inai." ( No here) Len said in a low tone.

Gakupo, and Kaito shift uncomfortable.

"Kie chatta?"( Disapered?) Kaito looked at the blonde in worry. It was rare to see Len look so worried, and quiet.

"I'm going." Len stated.

"Ha? iku no?" Gakupo questioned back hopping that he heard wrong.

"Un( yes) I have to find her."

* BAM* Kaito slammed the papers down on the desk, making the two freeze in place.

"Hitorijanai, Anatade wanai!"( Not alone, You're not!)

Len( 💦EEEk! K-Kaito...Kokowaii........)

"D-demo.." Len looked at the ground, his baby blue eyes moving left, and right in panic.

"Demo janai! We are coming with you." Gakupo jumped in. His words might of been strong, and some what harsh. But they all knew the right way deep inside.

"We will find _____, for sure."

The three nod at each other, and take off into the night, in search of me.

As they ran Len clenched his fist. ( Tch! dare ga( who is it) that dared to make you vanish.)

Matte ro ____. 🎵  

Chained Doll Len Gakupo Kamui X Reader X Len Kagamie X Kaito VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now