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So I didn't end up leaving with Toby anyways. His older brother got into trouble again so Toby went to get him out of it. Thomas would have taken Toby in but he wouldn't leave without me. Toby wouldn't let me go with Thomas anyways cause he's a drug addict so he decided to stay with me at the home. Toby begged me to go with him but Thomas is a hand full and I hate when he tries to feel me so I told him I would wait until he got back unless something was going down, then I'd call him right away. I haven't heard from him in 3 weeks but I know Toby and he takes care of himself. Time with Christian is a lot of fun! He takes me to the mall, the beach, and he makes really funny faces when he's concentrating. He hasn't talked about the kiss and I'm sort of grateful for it because that way I can think about Toby more and less of Christian. At least I know what Toby's lips feel like on mine. I wonder what Christian's feels like.

"Hello? Earth to Harmony."

"Oh what's up?"

"Uh not you, that's for sure. Looks like you haven't been fully awake since 2 this morning." He chuckled. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. I didn't even notice I was drifting."

"Yeah sure. Harmony, you're going back to school in two days." He blurted out.

I just say there shocked and confused.

"What did you say? Did you say I'm going to school in two days?"

"Yeah, I guess I did."

"Why? What for? Since when? Says who?"

"Says me. You know when applying for a job, them knowing you passed high school is a really good thing. You only have one more year left and it's not even a full one! Have you even thought of what you want to major in?"

"Uhhhhh. No. I never thought I would pass high school with all the moving I do."

"Well, start thinking since you're not going to be moving around anymore."

"That's what you think." I muttered under my breath.

"What?!" He roared!

"Nothing. Forget it Hulk. Is Veronica coming back? What's going on with you two?"

"That's none of your business."

"Oh really? So I don't get to know if the chick that threatened my life multiple times is going to come back to destroy my life even more? Wow. Nice to know I can feel safe in the house I live in." I said as I pushed away from the table and ran to my room locking the door behind me.

I feel so childish. He probably thinks I'm a brat. No! I'm in the right here! If he thinks that I'm going to be living with her again, he thought wrong. And me going to school, why does he get to decide that for me? I know it's a good idea to go back but I hate that he is the one that brought it up. I like doing whatever I want. Once again my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knocking door.

"Harmony? Let me in."

"No! Go away!"

"Ok. How bout I rephrase this, ahem. Harmony, open the door before I break it down!"

"Ok. ok. Calm down Hulk Man."

I unlocked the door and sat on my bed and he soon followed.

"I haven't told her she can come back yet so you don't have to worry right now."

"Ok. But what happens when she comes back? And why haven't you let her come back anyways?"

"She won't come back for a while. I was growing tired of her anyways and besides we needed a break. So now that I answered your questions, you answer mine."

"Ok. What is it?"

"Why don't you want to go to school?"

"I never thought I would need it and I hate school."

"But when you were in it, you outscored all of the people in your class."

"What, you do a background check on me too?"

He gave me a stern look.

"Ok! So what? I cheated a lot. Who cares?"

"You cheated on multiple tests that couldn't have possibly been cheated on?"

"Ok! The only thing I held onto was my mom telling me she wanted better for me than what she had so I did whatever I could to make sure I could graduate, get a good paying job and pay for her surgery! There! Happy now?!"

"I didn't know that. I'm sorry. About egging you on and about your mom."

"Yeah. Well I failed and she died so it's time for me to move on."

We just sat there in complete silence for what seemed like eternity when he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry but you're going to school whether you like it or not. Get ready, we're going to get your supplies. Be downstairs in 10." He left the room and I threw a pillow at the wall.


When we came back I was exhausted and just felt like falling into my bed upstairs but Christian had other plans for us.

"Come on. Let's watch a movie. I'll even let you pick."

"Don't even try to butter me up. It won't work."

"Well, I'm trying to make you feel better. And you know what? I will achieve that goal by midnight."

He already has.

After the movie, we said goodnight and he walked me to my room.

"I'm truly sorry about everything but I will do my best to make it better." He said as he looked into my eyes.

"And why is that?"

He whispered, "Because you're worth it." He leaned closer to my mouth and our lips were about to touch when his phone rang.

Damn phone.

I awkwardly said goodnight and turned when he answered the phone and pulled my arm back so I could face him and gave me a deep hug. Then he kissed my cheek and let me go, walking down the hallway starting his conversation.

I stood there in surprise for a while before the smile crept it's way on my face and as soon as I entered my room, it disappeared.


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