Chapter 8

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Annabelle and I are going to the hospital so she can get her checkup. I guess you can say that she is not doing well. Worse than she was actually. The doctor said that's going to happen because of the medicine she's taking but once it takes effect she should be better.


"I know who I am. I am not perfect. I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I'm one of them." -Mary J. Blige



I can't believe my mom left me to walk. Does she not know that there are such things as rapists and pedophiles. Maybe she thought Calum would protect me. Yea right, he's going to protect me with his stick for arms. I definitely feel safe. Sarcasm intended. I looked behind me to see Calum looking around in awe. I could see why. It was beautiful day outside, especially for a walk.

I continued walking as we made it to Main Street. It should only be 15 minutes until we get to the park.

"Hey Annie?" I turned around to face Caylup and started walking backwards.

"What's up?" He walked up beside me and turned me around. 

"How many more minutes until we get to the park?"

"Well...I estimate that we have about 10 more minutes until we get there."

He nodded his as we continued walking in a comfortable silence. The silence was ruined as my phone started singing 'Team' by Lorde.

I didn't look at the caller I.D. as I answered. 


"Hey Sweetie, how far away are you?"

"Um..About 5 minutes away. I can see the park now. What part of the park are you at?" I asked.

"I'm swinging on the swings by the monkey bars. The ones past the white roses and daisies." 

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too, Mom." I hung up and put my phone back in my jacket pocket. 

We made it to the park and I guided Calum along the way my mom told me to go. I saw her swinging on the swings with a man behind her. I squinted to see who it was and surprise surprise, it's my Math teacher, Mr. Hulter.

He has always had a crush on my mom since she came to my parent-teacher conference last month.

"Is that Mr.Hutler?" Calum asked.

"Yea. Wait, you go to my school? I've never noticed you."

"Yea, you've never noticed me because we take classes at different times and I'm the school's loner/nerd." He explained.

"Sounds about right. So you're the Calum everyone picks on?"

"Yea." He said, looking down in shame.

"Hey," he looked up at me," I'm still your friend no matter what. Got that?"

He nodded his head. I came up with a plan, smiling evilly to myself.

"Why are you smiling like that? Stop smiling like that." Calum said moving further away.

"Well I came up with a plan.The plan is to make you all strong and stuff so if someone tries to mess with you, you can fight them off."  I was excited to train someone and this was a perfect opportunity. This is mutualism. It benefits both of us. I'll know my best friend is safe and he'll know he will be safe.

"I don't know Annie. I don't like to fight."

"You don't have to fight them, you can just fight in the situations you think you have to fight in."

He looked to be deep in thought before he answered. " I'll do it."

I shrieked and clapped my hands together. "Okay, we'll start by doing a mile on the track. That's 4 laps and you have to do it in under 12 minutes and 15 seconds. Got it?" 

"Yea." He said.

"Okay, I'm going to run with you at the pace you run. Remember to breathe in and out through you nose. Keep a steady pace. Start off jogging and then after the first lap you can start running. On the last lap I want you to walk at a steady pace. Do this in the time estimated. We're going to do this everyday until you can run a mile in under 6 minutes. Are you ready?" I asked, walking up to the start line of the track.

"Um yea. I guess."

"Wait here." I jogged over to my mom and told her I was going on a run with Calum. 

"Okay Sweetie. Be safe." 

"Okay. Hey Mr.Hutler."

"Hey Annabelle."

I jogged back over to Calum and told him to lace up his shoes.

"I wore the wrong shoes for this but whatever." I said.

I got out my phone and put 12 minutes and 15 seconds on the timer. 

"Ready, set, go!" I pressed start and put the phone in my pocket. 

We're almost to the finish line and finished with the 1st lap.

"Second lap coming up. Remember to break into a run." I told Calum. 

He gave me a thumbs up to notify he heard me. he broke into a run as we crossed the start line.

Two laps later we were huffing and puffing as we made our way back to my mom's car. My feet are killing me! I opened the door to the backseat and laid down across it. Calum climbed in after and laid on the floor of the car. 

"Do we have to do this tomorrow?"  He asked.

"No but we'll do it next week."

After about 10 minutes, my mom got into the car and drove home. I waved goodbye to Calum as I trudged through the front door and to my room. I went in the bathroom and took a shower. I remembered to bring my clothes this time. I changed into my One Direction pajamas and laid down in bed. 

Today was eventful. Tomorrow I'm going to teach Calum some fighting moves and techniques.

'Get ready Calum, because tomorrow's going to be a long day.'


Hello everyone! How are you this fine morning,evening, or night. Wherever you are in the world. Well I just want to say that this chapter is most likely short because I got lazy. I'm not even going to make up a lie. I, the author of this book, was too lazy to make this chapter longer. I'm ashamed. :'( 

Anywhoo, I want to dedicate this chapter to my best friend, @AmyCovarrubias. She has awesome books so it would be great to go read them. She writes mostly Fanfics so if you're into that kind of stuff, go on over to her page. I'm dedicating this chapter to her because when I type up chapters I show them to her before I publish them. Sometimes. 

So thank you guys for reading this chapter and thank you for still reading this far into the book. I swear it'll get better and when it does I hope you're still reading it.

Thank you everyone!




Love ya, Jay.

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