Chapter 5

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"Anna!" My mom screamed from downstairs.

I slowly walked down the stairs so I wouldn't have a replay of what happened last time.

"Yes?" I asked as I made it to the last step.

"I need you to wear that dress I bought you. We are having guests over and it's going to be fancy. So look fancy." 

"Which dress? Can I wear jeans and a pretty shirt?" I asked.

"No and the blue strapless dress with the brown belt around the waist."

"Ugh. Fine. Who are these special people?"

"My boss and his daughter. She's the same age as you. You guys could totally be friends."

"Don't say totally Mom." I said scrunching my nose up.

"Why?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"It makes you sound dumb." I said bluntly. I can be a little blunt sometimes. #3 of why I have no friends at school.

#1- Anger Issues

#2- Nerd


#4-Punched popular boy and his new toy.

And drum roll please.......

#5- Freak out when people touch me or come near me.

And those are Annabelle's reason as to why she doesn't have friends! *Applause*

"Annabelle. Go get dressed. They'll be here in an hour." She dismissed me. I knew I hurt her ego.

" Sorry Mom. I'll be down in 50 minutes top"

I slowly walked upstairs and ran the rest of the way to my room.

I pulled out my blue dress and leather jacket. I went to the back of my closet and pulled out the heels that covered my ankles. I may not dress like a girl but I have these clothes and stuff in case of an emergency. I went into the bathroom and washed my hair and showered. I shaved and put my clothes on. Finally, I went to my jewelry box and got out my anchor necklace that was covered in diamonds.

I may be boyish but I have a good taste of style.

I went in the bathroom and brushed the knots out of my hair as it dried. I looked at my phone to see the time. 6:30 pm. 

20 more minutes.

When my hair finished air drying, I left it in its naturally wavy state. I sprayed a little of my One Direction perfume,  Our Moment.

I checked my phone.


I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen at exactly 6:50 pm.

"Just like you said" My mom said as she stirred the pasta in the pot. She looked me over as I stood beside her. "Don't you look fancy." She said in a southern accent.

I rolled my eyes. She can be so weird sometimes.

I checked the time.

6:58 pm

I waited the two minutes until the special people arrived. 

*20 minutes later*

I can't believe they're late. Where are they?

As if hearing my thoughts, the doorbell rang.

I stomped from the living room to the front door and opened it.

There, a man stood 6ft tall with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. He had a little bit of a beard and mustache and he looked kind of scary. He radiated power and authority which made me fear him more.

Beside him stood a girl I knew all to well.

Mindy Frankford. Or should I say school slut.

She was actually looking decent. She had on a white strapless dress with a brown belt and brown heels. She wore lip gloss and had a white purge with a gold strap. She looked innocent and non-sluttish.

"Hey Mindy." I said emptily.

"Um....Hi." She said, trying to hide her disgust and anger.

I guess she was forced to wear that.

"Please come inside." I told them.

"Mom! The guests are here!"

"Here I com!" She stepped down the stairs and greeted Mr.Frankford and Mindy.

"Okay, come in the kitchen and we can eat and after you girls can go talk up in Annabelle's room."

After we ate our spaghetti and garlic bread, my mom dismissed us upstairs.

I sat on my bed as she sat as far away from me as possible. 


"Shut up psycho." She said angrily.

"Are you mad because I punched you and your boy toy?" I asked, trying to contain my laughter.

"No, I'm mad because I have to sit here with a loser like you. You're a freak! If anybody finds out about this I'll be ruined." 

Now you all probably think I'm close to tears,but no, I'm fuming.

"What did you call me?" I can bet you my face was red from anger.

"A loser.A freak. What are you going to do about it?" She teased.

She was pushing her luck and she knew it too.

"Come here." I said, putting on a creepy smile.

"No." She said in fear.

"I won't hurt you....that much."

"N-no. I'm fine right here." She said, backing into the corner.

"If you say so." I said and walked over to her. I stood in front of her smiling and raised my hand. She flinched away at the same time I grabbed the spider web out her hair. 

"Spider web." I said, smiling.

"Oh um, okay...."

"Mindy! Come on!" I heard Mr. Frankford call.

"Bye Mindy. See ya at school." 

"Yea. Right." She scoffed.

I smiled.

She's so scared of me.


Old Calum here. I know. Surprise surprise.

Well I am going to be telling this story from this point on, so it's going to be in my point of view for awhile. I know you're all wondering why.

Well, Annie has been in and out of the hospital. She had a heart attack last week and this time she had a panic attack. I'm getting quite worried, if I do say so myself.

Annie asked me to tell the rest of the story until she gets better and fill you in on what happened from her point of view.

Sorry if you guys really like Annie's point of view but we are going to have alot of fun telling it from mines.

Meanwhile, Annie told me to tell you G'night and she loves you guys.

Good night and see you guys next time I tell the rest of the story.


Old Annie's sick?! Get better soon!

Anyways, sorry this was so short. I'll make up for it. Promise.




Love ya!

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