Chapter 7

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Hello people of the Earth. They let Annabelle come home today and I decided to cook her her favorite meal. Easy Rice Bake Casserole. While we eat I’m going to continue the story. -------------------------------------------------- Calum’s POV

I’m going to go see Annie today and see how she’s doing. We’ve been hanging out alot and my friends think that I like her, which I don’t.

There’s nothing wrong with her, its just that….I don’t know. I just don’t know.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. My mom was in there cooking dinner for tonight and she looked stressed. She works too hard and it’s killing me to see her like this. My dad doesn’t do shit about it. He a freaking ball-wad. Yep, I said it, ball-wad. He’s not abusive or anything, he didn’t run away. He just stopped loving and that’s the problem.

“Hey Mom, do you need help before I go see Annie?”

Please say yes. You need the help Mom. Just say yes.

“No I don’t need any help Cay.” She looked at me and smiled weakly before continuing to stir the pasta.

“Mom” I sighed.

“Just go. I got this.” She said imitating George Lopez.

I gave up and laughed and kissed her on the cheek. “Love you, Mom. I’ll be back in time for dinner and make sure you take a break in between cooking.

“Alright Dad” She mocked.

I walked next door to Annie's house and knocked and soon after she opened the door.

I looked up and saw Annie and I gasped at her appearance. She was wearing skinny jeans,high top All-Stars, a sleeveless shirt with ‘Let’s Party’ and a skeleton drinking and leather jacket.

“Why do you look so...girlish like.” I was well aware that she liked clothes that didn’t fit her. “My mom and I are going out to the park and she made me wear this.” She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. I laughed at her childish behaviour but stopped when I saw her death glare.

“Can I come with and I was going to ask you to walk with me there but car is better.”

“You need the exercise buddy.” She patted my belly. People these days. So rude.

She prodded my belly with her finger and I’m sure she didn’t feel any fat. “You have no meat on your bones Caylup.”She looked at me in astonishment.”You need to eat more.”

I swatted her hand away. “I eat just enough food. Enough food for 3 John Cena’s.” I flexed my arms and showed off my nonexistent muscles.

“Keep dreaming buddy.Keep dreaming. Hey Mom, can Calum come with us to the park, please?”

“Yea Sweetie, just make sure you don’t punch him this time.” I could here her chuckling as she walked towards the front door.

When she made it, Annie glared at her and stalked off towards the car, pulling me with her.

“Shotgun! Haha Biotch!”


“That’s not fair!” I screamed.

“It is fair because she’s my mom and I’m her daughter and you’re just a guest.” She explained, sticking her tongue out at the end.

I softly slapped her on the forehead which led to a full-on slap fight.

Her mom started the car and screamed at us to sit down as she started backing out of the driveway.

Annie slapped my cheek and I slapped her on her mouth.She gasped and jumped in the backseat and slapped me upside the head.

Before I could register what happened, the car jerked to a stop and her mom got out the car and opened the back door.

She pointed outside and we looked at her confused. “Out. Now.”

I stared at her in shock and disbelief.

“Are you serious?” Annie shrieked.

“As serious as sliced bread.” Her mom replied. “Now get out of my car. Now. You can walk to the park. You both need the exercise.”

We got out and slammed the doors. She got back in and took off down the road.

We never even left the house.

“This is all your fault you know.” I told Annie.“If you wouldn’t have called me a bad word then we wouldn’t be in this situation.

“Shut it.”

I stuck my tongue out at her and slowed my pace. I looked around and noticed how peaceful it was outside today.

“Well hurry up. We have somewhere to be.” Annie suddenly said and sped up.

I sighed, ‘So bossy.’


Sorry you guys that it was so short but.....I have no excuse.I'm sorry.

I dedicated this chapter to @liveloveandlaugh123 because she was the first one to vote on this chapter. Thank you @lovelaughandlove123 and I hope you continue to read this book. Congratulations! 




Love ya, Jay.

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