Chapter 2

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Settle down kiddies, I'm about to continue the story.

Alright, now that I have that under control,let's remember my time at the coffee shop with him.

Hmmm...oh yea. I remeber. Let's get started


” old are you?” I asked as we sat down at a table. I had just ordered my caramel macchiato and Calum got.... I forgot. Let's move on.

”I'm 18. You?” 

” I just turned 17 today.


He looked at me intensely,his icy blue eyes staring into my dull brown ones.

”What?” I breathed out.

”You have a little eye booger right here.” He pointed to the corner of his left eye.

My eyes widened and I used a napkin to get it out. I looked at him.

”It's out.”

”Order #85, caramel mocchiato with a jelly filled doughnut and a dozen glazed doughnuts.” The speaker announced. I got up to get my things and sat back down at the table after I paid.

I looked up to see Calum looking at my doughnuts with a lustful look in his eyes.

”Stop eye-raping them.”

”They should stop seducing me then” He retorted.

He's a weird one, I tell ya.

  ”Um..Calum I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Be right back.” I waited for a reply.

”Yea yea,whatever.”He did his hand in a shooing motion and I stomped away.

” He better not have eaten my doughnuts” I said to myself as I washed my hands. I touched the doorknob with my thumb,index,and middle finger as I turned it to get out. As I stepped out I sanitized my hands.

Better safe than sorry.

”So Calum what sc-” I stopped midsentence and looked to the box my doughnuts were supposed to be in.

I looked to Calum and sure enough he had a doughnut sticking halfway out his mouth.

”You little bi-”

”Annabelle Grace Miller,finish that sentence and your grounded.” My mother said popping out of nowhere.

”But he ate my doughnuts” I whined.

”You ate her doughnuts!? Do you want a death semtence!?” She sighed. ”Go ahead.”

I stepped forward and punched him in the face. I heard a crack and I knew I just broke his nose.


”Is that how granddad got that lump on his nose?”

”Yes it is. Now let me continue.”


” Dude! Now I might die!” He yelled.

”It's just a nose bleed and a broken nose” I sighed,annoyed.

” I have freaking hemophilia.” He said angrily. My mom pulled out her phone and called the ambulance.

”I'm so sorry." My first friend and I punch him in the face and he's a freaking hemophiliac.

(A/N: Hemophilia-is a rare bleeding disorder in which the blood doesn't clot normally.If you have hemophilia, you may bleed for a longer time than others after an injury. You also may bleed inside your body (internally), especially in your knees, ankles, and elbows. This bleeding can damage your organs and tissues and may be life threatening.)

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