Mother (Natasha Romanoff x daughter!reader)

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(a/n: The reader is adopted in keeping things canon.)

Natasha groaned loudly when she stepped off the jet and stretched. That last mission had been brutal. "I'm getting to old for this," she grumbled, earning a shoulder squeeze from Steve. "Talk to me when you're over one hundred," he quipped earning a rare smile from the assassin. "Hey, hands off my girl, Cap," Sam said with a glare before he wrapped his arm around Natasha's shoulders. "I don't think so, Wilson," she told him, pinching his hand to make him let go. "If you gentlemen will excuse me, there's someone I need to see."

She left the rest of the team and made her way inside. They had been gone much longer than anticipated and Natasha was worried. About you, her adopted daughter. A few years before, Natasha decided she really wanted to be a mother. Knowing it was impossible for her to conceive a child of her own, she made up her mind to adopt. After searching and searching, Natasha found you. You were merely twelve at the time. Natasha tried to be the best mother she could, but lately, it seemed that something was off.

When she entered the Tower, Natasha didn't see or hear you at first. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, where is Y/N?" The AI didn't respond and Natasha's brow furrowed. "F.R.I.D.A.Y?" Nothing. That was odd. The redhead made her way into the kitchen. It was one of your favorite places in the Tower. You weren't there, but you cell phone was. That worried Natasha. You never went anywhere without your cell phone.

"What's wrong with F.R.I.D.A.Y?" Tony asked in a panicked voice. Natasha shrugged. "I don't know, but Y/N isn't here and she doesn't have her phone." Tony's face contorted into one of pure confusion. "Maybe you can fix F.R.I.D.A.Y and she can tell us what happened," Steve suggested and Tony nodded. He ran to the lab and attempted to find the source of the problem

It only took Tony a few minutes to bring F.R.I.D.A.Y back online. "What happened to you?" Tony asked when he returned to the kitchen. He wanted to be sure everyone heard. "Miss Y/N overrode my communication protocols. I could not contact you to inform you that she has left the Tower. She headed east." The AI pulled up the video of you leaving the Tower. You carried a rather big pack on your back.

"Do you know where she is F.R.I.D.A.Y?" Natasha asked, trying to keep the nervousness from her voice. There wasn't much that could ruffle the spy's feathers but she was worried for your safety. "I do not, Ms. Romanoff. I believe she has left her cellular device behind. That would be my only means of locating her."

Natasha wanted to yell or punch something. "Perhaps I can assist you in locating your daughter," Vision offered. Natasha did little more than nod before she was sprinting out the door. Luckily, Vision had no trouble keeping up with her. "How are you going to find her, Vision? Can you really?" Vision nodded. "I can. I have scanned everyone residing in the Tower. I can pick up her heat and genetic signatures. We shall bring her home, Ms. Romanoff."

He was right. It didn't take them that long to find you. "Y/N!" You stopped in your tracks and looked over your shoulder. Your eyes widened and you ran. "Seriously?" Natasha muttered. You should have known better. In a split second, Vision was in front of you and Natasha behind you. "Where do you think you're going?" You winced at the sound of her voice, but you didn't answer. Natasha's worry had faded and now she was angry.

You soon found yourself being escorted back to the Tower and up to your bedroom. "Thanks, Vision." Vision took the cue from your mother and left the room. As soon as the door closed behind him, Natasha turned to you. You were sitting on the edge of your bed, hands clenched around the mattress in anger and eyes downcast. "You weren't supposed to find me," you muttered.

"Why did you leave? Where were you going to go?" You picked your head up and glared. If it had been anyone other than your mother, they probably would have shied away. "It doesn't matter! I'm not wanted here so why do I need to stay!" Natasha opened her mouth to argue, but couldn't think of anything to say. She sat down on the bed next to you.

"What makes you think you're not wanted here, Y/N?" You shrugged. "You're never here. You leave me alone all the time. I go to school and I come home and I get that it's to protect me, but you never spend time with me anymore. I'm lonely. I you don't love me anymore." Natasha turned slightly and pulled you into her embrace as her heart broke for you. You dissolved into tears.

It was true that she had been on a lot of missions lately and she had noticed you shutting down, but she thought it was normal teenage angst. She never believed it was because you were feeling the way you were. Like she didn't love you. Natasha did love you. You were her daughter. Probably the only one she'd ever have. She just didn't really know how to show it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Another shrug. Lifting your shin up, Natasha wiped away your tears. "Listen to me. I love you very much. Do you know why I adopted you?" You sniffled and nodded. "Because you can't have children of your own." Natasha sighed. "Yes. That and, when I saw you, I saw a younger version of the woman I wanted to be. I saw a young lady who could be anything she wanted to with a little help. I saw someone that didn't let her circumstances dim her bright light. I saw someone I could cherish and love."

You didn't answer. You were crying again. "I'm sorry I haven't been here for you.I'll try and change that, okay?" You nodded. "And maybe, when you're on summer break, I'll train you myself. Then I wouldn't have to worry about your safety." You smiled a bit and nodded again. "Good. And if you ever run away again, I'm going to lock you in the Tower until you graduate."She gave you a smile, but you knew she was serious. "Okay, Mom. I won't run away again." She kissed your forehead and got up from the bed."Oh, and I'm taking your phone for a week."Hu

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