Chapter Eight

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I woke up feeling like I could hardly move as my body was still in sleep mode, while my head was alert and awake. I didn't want to get up but I can't fall back asleep.

I remembered how Roger said he would take me shopping today and a silly grin stretches over my face.

I bounded off the couch and head into his bedroom. Upon opening the door, I see that his bed is made and there is no one inside. I check the bathroom. Still, no one.

Where could he be, though? I check the kitchen and porch but there is still no sign of him. Okay then.

I head back to his bathroom and the phone rings. I hesitate, not knowing if I am allowed to answer.

I shrug and answer anyways.


"Hey, Nat. It's Roger."

"Oh, hi. Where are you?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry but I forgot to tell you but I had to come into work today. I know I told you I would take you shopping."

I pout, disappointed because I really wanted to go shopping.

"That's okay," I tried to sound happy anyways.

"I left you some money on the kitchen counter, just go without me. I won't be home until late."

At that I smiled. 

I looked at the currency, confused.

"Wait what does each bill mean?" My eyebrows knit together.

"They are called kords and one kord is equivalent to your U.S. dollar. Each bill says in the corner how many kords it is worth."

I counted through the pile.

"Holy shit Roger this is like two thousand dollars. It's too much."

He sighed, "No it's not, you don't have anything. I'll take you another day if you want more."

More? How much money did he spend on his clothes, exactly? I pursed my lips.

"Fine, but I'm not going to spend it all."


"Roger," I mocked him.

He groaned, "Do what you want. Just go down to the lobby and the man at the desk will call you a cab and a guard."

"A guard?"

"Yes, you're not allowed to be outside of the building alone."

"Why," I whined to him.

He laughed, "So you don't fucking run away again."

He had a point.

"Fine, thanks for the money."

"No problem. Also, the keys to the apartment are hanging up on the wall next to the fridge. Don't forget to lock up. I'll see you later tonight."

"Kay, will do. Oh!" I remembered how he said he had to wear black, "Do I have to wear black when I am in public? Like you?"

"Yes, you do."

I groaned, "At least it's not like pink 24/7. Okay, bye." I hung up without waiting for his reply.

I went into his bathroom to take a shower. I used his shampoo again. I hated to admit it but Roger did smell good. Like weirdly good.

I washed my entire body and used his razor again. I should really buy my own today, I noted.

Afterwards, I put my black outfit from the other day back on. It really wasn't that dirty, and it was better than wearing Roger's sweats.

My underwear deserved to be thrown away, so I went commando.

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