Chapter 1

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   "What are you doing?!?!"

    "Nutin' master."

   "Well then get out on the fields and get working!"

   "Yes master"

   I got up and ran as fast as I could before he could whip me. When I got to the field I met up with my friend Frederick. I started working as soon as i got there. Me and Frederick always try to get the most done before each other. It's like a competition. The thing is, we never liked to work. But I guess having a little competition made it somewhat better. Work was from dawn to dusk and we only had one ten minute brake to eat, rest, and anything else we needed to do. There were around fifty-six slaves on the plantation. When brake time came around, me & Frederick sat on a pile of hay and ate a small meal. Frederick leaned over and asked me a strange question. "Have you ever heard of the underground railroad?".

"Yes, but it is just a story to keep people from wasting away.", I said with a startled look on my face.

"But it is more than a story. Do you remember Johnathon?"

"Yes, but what does he have to do with this?"

"He escaped and used the underground railroad to do it. The master said that slave catchers fond his carcass dead from being mauled, but that was a lie. I've been here long enough to know when the master is lying, and he was lying alright. He just wanted us to be scared so we won't run away either."

"That's ridiculous. He showed us pictures of the carcass."

"Those were some poor fellow that they killed to make it look like he was dead. I have been in contact with Johnathon and he is very well. He has a family and a farm."

"So this underground railroad is real."

"As real as you and me, my friend."

Suddenly, our master yelled across the field, "Alright, break is over. Get back to work!" .

We got back to the field and got to work. I was thinking about what my friend had been saying.

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