Salutatory Speech I Wrote When I Graduated High School

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Some may have discounted the fact that always and forever, no transitions must or may take place in this campus. Forever should we dwell on the traditions of politics and family inclinations because we are far off to quality reviews and observation. Students, you must try to remember that, even those imposed by ancients as a practice can always be changed, because nothing is constant. The only constant is change.

The reason why we are educated is not because of the fact that we as individuals would want to be book smart. Books can be wrong too. We step unto our classes everyday because we want to learn the basics that should be taught and delivered finely by our faculty; basics of morality, truth, discipline, for us to become good citizens. With this, what we learn from books only come next to all these aspects.

I am now at the point of taking a new perspective in life. Keeping myself equipped of what should transpire next and what should be changed and corrected. Knowledge imparted from lessons and books becomes crucial for every student to memorize and be tested but it only pays off, when what you've put your efforts on is justified and prevailed. Nothing is sweeter that the attitude of providing honor, not for myself but for the resolution to be carried out as a factor of change.

As you all know, I have lived a life full of intimidation because of my inborn speech defect. And I'm now even giving out my speech in a different way to express myself, decently, for everyone to know my thoughts and my aspirations. But all these, have not become an issue. I have stived hard to reach my goals and objectives.  I was never crushed by mere talks and coercion, because I was totally determined to fight for the privilege I am due. This continues not only for my honor but for us students to realize that what is essential, which is values and virtues set as examples, are the once important for us to learn and be placed into practice as we step into the next horizon of our lives.

I have letters attached, to journalize what I'm contesting for. Education should be forwarded to our generation with nobility, with dignity and in a manner that's fair and just to all. Inculcated as a purpose for us to grow and to wider our spans. Let us not just dwell on the amount of words and dust of chalks written on boards for us to define the meaning of education, let us think bigger and greater. Somehow, there are always chances that what we've learned does not always remain small, even bigger than that of our mentors.

When we once again meet in the future and all become professionals, I must declare that we must use our time and professions with pride and accuracy and with fair justice that will not create bad effects to anyone just to satisfy our personal craves. Skills and talents used in a better way would exude the bests in you.

Just always make it moral.

Swallor your pride if needed. Thank you.

Congratulations and good luck!

Aivan Reigh Vivero

JNHS, Batch Salutatotian (2007)

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