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A/N Sorry for the extremely long chapter. This is only the first half, too. From chapters after this one, the number of the chapter will no longer correspond with her age.

Two years later and the war had not even begun. Elena had gotten used to Stefan's on comings and questions and had learnt to ignore it, maybe even warm to him. At fifteen-years-old, Elena was definitely becoming slightly antisocial. Her phone was often in her hand and the few times she did talk to her friends, to which she only had little, was through text messages. Klaus, as old as he was, wasn't quite used to the natural state of a teenager and was surprised by what he now had to deal with on a daily basis.

Elena, on the other hand, did not think that she was being antisocial at all. She was indeed often on her phone around Klaus but that was for an entirely different reason altogether. It could be described as crush in simple terms and the fact that it was on her supposed father figure had made the situation all the more complicated. She hadn't told a soul and she didn't intend to. It wasn't as if she could tell anyone. Her friends would believe she was in love with her foster father, as she had put it, and her Aunt and Uncle would only persuade her to move on. Rebekah loved gossip but was awfully protective of her brother, even from little Elena who she cherished dearly.

Maybe, Elena was just worrying too much but that was what a crush was- a constant state of panic yet a somewhat amazing thrill that came along with that. It was love, but not quite. It was the border where one step could make all the difference. Crushes are held as so insignificant yet that moment where Elena's heart snapped and found itself heading in a direction was the day her life changed forever. The man she could never see as her father, hardly even her brother, had finally become something. She had realised what her child-self was so torn upon. She wanted more. But, she was fifteen- she could have more.

'Elena! Get off your phone and get in the car.' Klaus' voice boomed throughout the room and Elena flinched slightly- lately, Klaus' temper had become shorter than it already was. She nodded, though, and stuffed her phone in her pocket, shuffling towards the car. She hadn't said a word in days except for a few answers to Elijah when he continued her education with him as a few extra-curricular activities. She hadn't noticed that was why Klaus' temper had been snapping. Elena hadn't spoken to him. She simply had that much effect on him yet she didn't seem to notice or care as they drove to school in a thick silence.

When they arrived at school, Klaus said the words he had every day since that first day at school two years ago: 'get that moonstone off, Stefan, will you love?' Every time he said it, it was said with more disdain. Whether that was towards Elena or Stefan, only Klaus knew.

It was Monday first period and that meant she had English first. She sighed, although she loved English, Stefan was starting to pester her more and more and despite warming to him just a little, she couldn't help but feel suffocated in his presence. He was like a harmless fly, constantly buzzing but never quite to the point where you swatted it away.

She entered the classroom, the air foggy with sweat and dust. The classroom smelt of old crisps with a hint of boy's deodorant and despite Elena knowing this smell all too well, she gagged when she entered. Now, not a single pair of eyes landed on her- except a single one. Chloe sat in the corner of the classroom, her jumper loose and her light brown hair swiftly placed in a slightly askew ponytail. Elena smiled and ran up to her, waving. 'Hey!' She shouted as she neared the table, Chloe's large eyes growing even bigger, and went to sit down on the desk beside hers. 'Have you done the homework?' Came a panicked voice and in front of them was Nicole and then the trio was complete. It was the same every day. Nicole had been in school years longer than Elena had been yet she still hadn't learnt how to do her homework on time and it would be no surprise if Chloe had only done it last night after the sun had gone down so she could hand it in, no matter how rushed. The trio sat in a line, busily chatting until the bell rang and Stefan entered. As soon as he did, his eyes landed on Elena and she gulped nervously. His eyes were like steel and they didn't look happy. 'Elena, can I talk to you outside for a moment.' Elena stared at her two friends who both looked just as afraid as her. Nicole began to plait her thick black hair, finding anything to fiddle with as she watched her friend get dragged out of the classroom by a furious looking teacher. Chloe, on the other hand, had almost gone up to follow her but had stayed planted in her seat by a firm word from Nicole. It seemed the two, usually laid back, friends were now worrying and it was a sight to behold. Stefan, when irate, really could revert back to a primal vampire's ways and although his fangs weren't out, she could see the veins almost bulging under her eyes- not quite noticeable for a normal human but one who had lived with a vampire for years, it wasn't so hard.

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