Chapter #18- Love Isn't Always Fair

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:D Hello again!

Um, the title of this chapter is from a song called Love Isn't Always Fair by the perfect band, Black Veil Brides!

Who very recently won the award for Most Dedicated Fans! Yeah, that is true tbh..!

Anyway, enjoy this short chap :)


Jack's Point Of View

It's been two days. Two days that i have spent at Bella's house. Bella has kept me company even though i can't stop crying.

I don't believe in all that bullshit that guys are weak just because we cry. Like, seriously, every human in this world can cry no matter what gender you are. Girls cry alot, so do guys just not in public.

Bella tries to cheer me up and she kind of does, she gives me these long lectures on how i deserve better than what Amanda did to me. That i deserve someone who does love me and someone that'll always be there for me.

But it's really hard. Because i've spent so much time in love with Amanda that it's hard to say Goodbye and move on to someone else. Like, it's not easy looking at someone you love and telling yourself you have to move on because they're better off without you anyway, you're not needed in their life and they have someone who loves them and who they love, like you're not good enough for them. (A/N: This entire paragraph relates to me, like in every little possible way just, not a girl, it's a guy what i'm dealing with :/ Okay, read on)

 I may be over reacting or just acting completely silly but it really doesnt feel that way to me. Like i feel if i hadnt left this wouldnt have happened but in a way it couldve because she wouldve met that guy Aiden anyway.

This is when the door cracked open and Bella walked in with a little smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled as she glanced at me and put the tray down. "Movie night!"

I groaned, "No chick-flicks please" i begged as i leaned over the bed and looked at what the tray was holding. All kinds of chocolates. Resee's, Hersheys, Twix, MilkyWay, Godiva, Kit Kat, Three Musketeers, and many others, all in this tray, with orange juice in two cups beside it.

I widened my eyes, "Damn Bella, are you trying to make me feel better or you're just trying to get me fat?" She kind of just laughed as she sat on the bed and patted my shouler lightly, "Oh Jack, are you going comedian now?"

I shook my head, "If i get fat i will blame you and i'll curse out your name while i workout to get these muscles back" i said as i showed off my eight pack abs to her. Her cheeks turned a bright red and she quickly pulled my shirt back down, "You really belive muscles are better than chocolate?" she said, her cheeks bright as tomatoes.

I put on my best thinking face and then look at her with a smirk, "They are, that's why you all complain when we get a beer belly and stuff, you lose sexual attraction" I wink.

She looks away from me and thorw her head back slightly in laughter, "You are a weirdo," she pauses and pop a Kisses into her mouth, "Butttt if you dont want chocolate thats fine by me i can eat it all" she winked.

I scoot closer to her side of the couch and grab a Hersheys Kisses, "Who said i dont want?"

She laughs.



Halfway through the movie Jack fell asleep, so i finsihed watching it by myself and then i started cleaning the chocolate crumbs off the floor before my parents kill me for it.

They were fine with Jack staying over for as long as he needed, since i hide nothing from my parents they know wwhat happened between Amanda and him. He's slept on the couch but i feel bad for him there so i bought an inflatable bed and he's slept in my room the night before.

I feel terriblef or him, Amanda was so wrong leaving a relationship that could have lasted a lifetime for a guy she met three days ago at a cafe. It hurts even more to see how deeply heartbroken Jack is.

He left school to move back here, he left his parents behind and all. And now he doesnt want to go back becasue he made a choice and he wants to stick to it, he still loves Amanda and i dont know if hes going to get over her anytime soon, i just know i'm here for him if anything.

there was a soft knock on the door that startled me ever so slightly. Stadning from the floor and wiping my shorts clean i unlock the door and see who it is.

"Adam?" i ask, "What are you doing here..?" i say looking at him a bit tiredly.

"I just came by to see if you were doing okay... Are you um, busy or?" he asked glancing at Jacks sleeping body on the couch behind me. 

I look at him and shake my head, "No Jack and i were just watching a movie but he fell asleep anyway." i say opening the door wider for him to come inside.

"I heard what happened" Adam whispered, his voice laced with a train of worry and concern. I look at his eyes, "How?"

He ran a hand through his hair, "Remember Elena?" i nod, "She is Aidens girlfriend." my mouth droppped open, "She was pissed when we broke up, so she set up Aiden to make Amanda fall for him, Jack walking in on them wasnt part of the plan. It just happened"

I sat back in my chari, shock and pain circulating through my whole body. I began to shake, "Why, what, what was her original plan?" 

Adam looked at the ground,  "She'd find out about Aiden and Amanda together, and then hurt Amanda somehow..." He quickly sat beside me and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry babe.." 

I smiled weakly, "Things happen, Jack needs to know about this and i need to talk to Elena and settle things."

He gave me a concerned look, "No, i don't want you to go near her." I shake my head furiously, "Adam you don't understand, she can mess with me but not my friends and especially not Amanda or Jack, please understand"

He gave me his usual heartwarming smile, "Of course babe, i understand, just be safe okay?" i nodded, "I promise."

He ran his hands to my waist making circles with his thumb as he gently pulled me closer and closer until his lips closed the distance and molded in with mine. I could not get over this feeling that circled within me everytime i feel his soft lips, it's a kind of heavenyl feeling, the butterflies in my stomach begin to go crazy and every problem seems to fade away. As if it never existed. 

His kiss is so lust filled and passionate that i can't get over the feelings. My hands rumage through his hair and then cup his cheeks, brgnging him even closer than he already was.

He pulls away much to my dissapointment to take a breath. 

"You are a very special girl Bella" he says, his voice calm and loving. I smile and blush furiously, "And you're a very special guy Adam"

And we kissed again.


*Hides behind invisible wall*

I am so sorry i havent posted omg! Dont kill me please!

Guys, summer is in a month do you know what that means?! It means many more updates every week because idk dude i dont go to many places during summer anyway so haha.

I have my Prom tonight ohh myyyyyy! It's gonna be so much fun i'm going with my bestfriends woo!

Anyway, this chapter is a bit sloppy. But i will edit it soon and i am starting a new chapter in a little, if i dont update anymore today i am so sorry but Prom is stressing when it comes to getting ready and all hehe :D

Love you guys so much,

if you still read my stories know that they are up for you! I love you so much omgggg!


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