Chapter 10-Oh God No!

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-Oh God No!-

Amanda dropped me off at home yesterday afternoon and insisted on staying a while, so she did.

All of yesterday's events flooded back to me and i quickly pushed them away.

Slamming my locker door shut i faced Mandy who had been staring at me for a while.

"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own? He's been eyeying you all day!" She said as she nodded her head towards a group of guys.

The jocks, and in the center stood Adam, staring at me.

"So? He can tell that to his pretty new girlfriend" i huffed placing a scowl on my face.

"Who is she anyway? We would know already" she asked pausing as she waited for me to notice the girl who was whispering in Adam's ear, "Were not as popular as Summer, but we are, so we should know who this girl is!"

I looked away just as Adam laughed at what the girl had said.

"That's Elena, she's new to our school" i mumbled as i kneeled down to tie my shoes laces.

I had decided to wear something simple, yet it looked amazing according to Amanda.

Black leggings with two skulls on the knee part covered my well toned legs. On top i wore a loose shirt that had a bow in the back in white. And my new black converse which i bought at the mall.

A loud gasp erupted from a very annoying voice catching everybodys attention.

Once done with my laces i turned to see what all the commotion was about.

Unfortunately the owner of the gasp was Elena, & the cause was Adam.

"You're dumping me?!?" She yelled, her voice echoed through the halls as gasps and murmurs were heard.

"Elena i dont like you! I already told you the only girl for me is Bella!" Adam replied half-yelling half-speaking as calm as ever.

Wait.. He said my name? What? Whys is coming to where im standing? Why is he doing this?

He grabbed my hand and turned to the crowd, "I love Bella Viera and that's the end of this!"

Snickers, murmurs, laughs, gasps were heard all over the hallway.

I snatched my hand away in pure anger.

"Adam?? If you think that doing a public announcement about this solves the fact that you cheated on me with this rat chick then you're wrong! I will never forgive you for what you did to me!" I shouted, "Ever" i finished of in a hiss.

His face fell, along with everyone else's face in this hall.

You know that saying... Saved by the bell?

Yep, that's me.

Hearing the sound of the bells i grabbed Amanda's hand taking her with me towards our next class.


"Give me three laps now!!" The coach yelled at our class once everyone had changed into our uniforms.

Jumping off the bleachers as Amanda trailed behind me i made my way towards the field.

I started in a slow jog before starting my running.

Twenty minutes later we had finished our three laps.

"I am exhausted!" Amanda panted next to me as we made the line to drink water.

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